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Pistantrophobia: the fear Of trusting someone..


I woke up, in a cage...
What the hell...
My hands were chained and my leg and back had bandages covering them.

My clothes were torn and my jacket pockets were empty, wait... my razor....it's not here..
My dad gave me that razor! I started to panic...
That Razor is important to me.

"So are you going to tell me why you saved me?" A deep voice said I looked over to find the same skeleton I saved.

"I'm not telling you anything until you give me my Razor..." I replied,
"If I gave you the Razor you'd probably just kill us.." the skeleton replied,
"I didn't kill anyone and never will..." I said, that's not true your killing yourself inside...

"Then why does this Razor have blood?" He asked sitting across from me, I couldn't tell him the truth... but I may have to...

"T-Thats my blood." I told him, "prove it." He replied so I lifted my sleeve to reveal scars and wounds on my wrist.

His face turn to sympathy but went back to his Normal expression, "okay I believe you dove." He said handing me the Razor.
I put it in my Pocket, I had enough space from the chain to put my Razor away.

"Are you going to let me go?" I asked, "not until you tell me why you saved me." He replied,
"I saved you because I could and I wanted to, Now I'm Y/N what's your name?" I replied.

"My name is G" G said letting me go, I smiled "thanks." I said kindly, "your welcome dove" G said walking out the door I followed behind him.

We walked past alot of monsters, but I noticed a room full of injured monsters, my smile turn into a frown as I ran over.

I gotta help somehow...
"Wait!" G called behind me as I ran in, Alphys was there helping them.

I shyly walked up to alphys "Hello?" I said, she turn around and fell back, "A-A Human!" She yelled causing some attention, "Calm down Alphys... I just want to help." I told her, "Ho-How do you know my name??" She said stepping back.

"I know you in a way., I mean No harm." I told her she nodded, "okay I believe you." She said, G walked in.

"Y/N we really need to talk.." G said, I nodded as he teleported us to what I'm assuming is his room.

"What do you mean you know alphys" G said with a serious expression, "I'm from Undertale... A different World where I know you, sans, and alphys frisk undyne, papyrus,Tori, and others" I explained, G just stared for second thinking if I'm trustworthy or Not.

I hugged him, "Don't worry G you can trust me" I said smiling, "okay Dove don't make me regret it..." G replied tints Of yellow on his cheek bones.

Your Filled with...


My endless depression....•AU Sans X Depressed!reader• (Book 1 To Undersanity)Where stories live. Discover now