The Murder...

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Before anything could happen, UT Frisk and UT Chara immediately went inside the Portal. UT Sans was shocked and quickly ran after them. The others stared at each other and said "They too will be Murdered..." But everyone still had a Chance in them so they left the Portal unharmed.

Chara's P.O.V

We were running just because we wanted to see what he was like. We went to Snowdin and... Everything was gone. The Buildings... The Trees... They were all replaced with Massive Bones. And there he was. There was Dust all over his Blue Jacket. He wore his hood over his head to keep the Dust off his Skull. Me and Frisk were hiding in the bushes when suddenly he grabbed our Souls and pulled us towards him. "Y-YOU... LEMME ASK YA A QUESTION... DO YOU WANNA HAVE A MAD TIME?" He yelled. He thought we were from HIS Timeline. Suddenly he Summoned Several Giant Bones. We knew this was it. But then, a Certain Skeleton appeared behind him... He whispered to Dust "Let them go, or you'll have a BAD TIME..." Suddenly Dust turned around and both of them Summoned Blasters and more Bones...

I'm kinda busy today, the Fight happens in the Next Chapter. Sorry it couldn't have been Longer. See ya in the Next Chapter, I guess... Here is a Pic of what you can expect of what happens in the Next Chapter (Pic not mine btw and I don't know who made it) 

 Here is a Pic of what you can expect of what happens in the Next Chapter (Pic not mine btw and I don't know who made it) 

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
UNDERTALE: Lost CausesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum