Chapter 12: Crashing Down

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"Your my what?!?!?" Elise said with frustration and confusion.

"Your father. Didn't you know you were adopted?" Don said with a small grin.

"No! I don't believe you! Stop making up lies!" Elise screamed covering her ears.

"Then why do I have this birth certificate with your REAL last name on it." he said holding up Elise's original birth certificate that said "Elise Gomez", "You know Elise I didn't expect you to believe me but have you ever wondered why you look nothing like your "parents"." he said making fake quotation marks.

Elise thought about that. It was weird she doesn't look anything like them!

"That doesn't prove anything!" Elise said tears in her eyes.

"Oh but it does. You can admit it or not I'm your father and you just have to accept it.." Don said walking around.

"Then where is my mom?" Then Don stopped walking and completely froze.

"Let's not talk about th-"

"Where is my mom?" Elise said furiously tears pouring out of her.

"SHE DIED WHEN YOU WERE BORN!" Don screamed, that made Elise quiet. "After her death I didn't know what to do with you so I gave you to an adoption center. Her death hit me hard so that's why I became the man I am today."

"It's not to late you can change! Dad.." she froze after she said that, she still wasn't comfortable calling him her father, "You can become a better man.. Mom will want you to do this..."

Don stared at the floor, "I you look so much like your mother that when I saw you I knew it was really you... If I change the company.. the-they will kill us all."

"Then help us find a way out! Help us get free." Don thought about this and finally said,

"Ok. For your mom." and with that he untied Elise and opened a cellar which had all her friends.

They all started to get ready to fight Don when Elise thought twice "Woah hold up. He's going to help us."

"How do you know this isn't a trick Elise?" Ava asked.

"Because.... he's my father..."

Everyone ran out of the building while sirens went off. Troopers ran out with guns and started to shoot them. Don was slowing down so Elise grabbed his arm and pulled him.

"Elise stop. This is the end for me. I'll finally be with your mother.. Go save yourselves." and Don ran outside the woods and started to scream "Come at me!!!!!!" and then he was shot and died.

Elise couldn't believe it she hadn't even known her dad for less then 10 minutes and he was already dead. Elise ran as fast as she can, tears dripping down her eyes and heard a gun shot.

Elise heard a scream that sounded very familiar to Libertys scream and when she ran forward she saw all her friends surrounding Libertys dead body.

Ava was on the floor sobbing Tyler holding her close and Elise dropped to the floor and cried. This was to much for her.

Then they all got up when they heard a bullet. "We can't just leave her!" Ava screamed still crying.

"I'm sorry Ava we have to." Tyler said.

"NO! Friends stick together they fight with eachother and never let go!" Ava said wiping the tears from her eyes.

Then a bullet hit Pheonix and he was dead as well. "RUN!" Elise screamed and the three of them ran for there lives.

Ava was slowing down still crying from Liberty when she twisted her ankle and fell to the ground. "You guys go!" Elise looked at her and pleaded with her. "GO!" she screamed with more force than ever.

Elise and Tyler ran with all there might when they heard a shot and Avas screaming fading away. At this point Elisenwas crying a waterfall but still ran.

Then a bullet hit Tyler on the shoulder and he fell.. HARD.

"No Tyler c'mon stay with me you can do it. Your strong!" Elise begged and started crying even more. But Tyler was gone by this point.

Elise couldn't take it anymore she gave up sat on her knees and screamed "I GIVE UP!" Then a bullet hit her head and the darkness swallowed her whole..
1 more chapter to go! I know your all going to hate me for killing off every character and I'm sorry. I'm pretty proud of myself for this chapter. (Not the killing of characters part) I tried making it thrilling and getting you guys on your toes cause I know my last few chapters weren't my greatest.

Thank you guys for reading this! Please vote and leave a comment on how you felt with this chapter. See you next chapter!

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