Chapter 5: Kung Fu Fighting

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Make sure to go follow Astronaut135 she is awesome and sweet! Thanks so much for helping me with my dialogue and mistakes!

"Welcome to Defensive Training!" Elise's teacher Ms.Blake said. "Today we are going to be practicing our powers and then we will vs each other. So everyone spread out and practice!"

Elise ran to a desk and she practiced moving pencils and erasers with her mind when Ingrid walked over.

"Haha, pencils and erasers! That's cute." she said with an evil grin.

"Ok class everyone gather around." Ms.Blake announced. It wasn't really a big group. There was about 18 people there, which is a small group considering there are like 50 people in each of the other groups.

"Time to battle."

Ms.Blake picked Liberty and a guy named Alec. They both stood on the mats.

Liberty smiled and Alec looked scared. Liberty somersaulted to the left right when Alec shot a laser out of his eye. Alec looked around mumbling to himself.

"Where did she go?" when he got kicked in the head and fell over.

Liberty smiled while everyone clapped. "Wow Liberty! Your reading people's minds way faster now! A big improvement!"

Elise smiled when she heard a deep voice behind her.

"Hi there." Elise shrieked and jumped 5 feet in the air before hearing a laugh.

She turned around and saw Tyler's face a bright red. He burst into laughter again.

"Not cool Tyler!" Elise yelped.

"Hahaha your cute Elise." Elise blushed and glared at him then turned around.

"Tyler and Astrid. Your up!" Tyler made a smile at Elise before walking to the mat. Elise rolled her eyes. A blonde pig tailed girl who looked like she was in 8th grade came up.

Tyler laughed but then stopped when she reached her hand out and made a portal beside Tyler. She stepped in it and Astrid then came to the right and punched him in the face. Tyler turned to his right and Astrid made another portal and Tyler accidentally walked in it. Tyler appeared in the bathroom and he dashed to were Astrid was.

Astrid heard shuffling behind her and Tyler zoomed behind him and grabbed Astrid by the arm.

Elise then flipped Astrid onto his shoulder. Astrid started punching and shoving his back but Tyler didn't seem to notice.

In a flash Astrid was on the floor and Tyler was looking down at her. Tyler started to say something when Astrid once more made another portal. Tyler confused scratched his head and before he knew it he was on the ground and Astrid was on top of him. Tyler then threw himself at Astrid and then Astrid was facing the floor. Astrid groaned.

"Amazing work Tyler! Your getting faster by the minute!" Ms.Blake said.
Tyler made a toothy grin.

"So your like super fast?" Elise asked Tyler.

"Yup like the Flash." he replied.

"Ok let's see next we have... Elise!"

Elise looked scared. She went over to the mat and started to feel butterfly's in her stomach.
"and Ingrid!"

"Oh no. Oh no. Oh no!" whispered Elise.

Ingrid went to the mat and glared at Elise. Elise looked over to Liberty and Ava and saw that they looked nervous also.


Ingrid turned into a bunch of purple stars and then appeared behind Elise. She then appeared in front of Elise and reached out to grab her but Elise dodged it and used her telekinesis to move Ingrid away from her.

Ingrid looked mad she turned around, facing away from Elise. She teleported on top of Elise and tried to push her down but Elise flipped her over did a backflip  and moved back.

"Wow! Brilliant work Elise! It's your first day here and your already one of the strongest!" said Ms.Blake. "Oh and Ingrid.." she said walking over to her. "Next time look before you teleport." that seemed to make Ingrid mad and what made her even more mad was that everyone was clapping.

Ingrid stormed off into the girls bathroom and Elise stood there smiling.
So... what do you think? Anyways thanks for reading and it would make my day if you guys voted and commented on this story. I literally wrote this chapter at Tjs Max so shoutout to them! Thanks for reading!

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