|ChApTeR tWo| Japan

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My eyes whipped open and I quickly sat up straight. "W-Where am...I...Oh, it's you." I paused when my gaze met brown ones, which belonged to that man I saw before with the black hair.

"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Japan." He explained calmly, still bowing down low.

I surveyed the room, examining my surroundings. I was in a room, lying in one of the beds. My fingers met my side, carefully pressing against the surface. I didn't flinch or anything, I felt much better. Like nothing happened. Was I still dreaming?

"H-Hello? Can you hear me?"

"A-Ah yes, sorry. I'm (Name), nice to meet you. What did you say your name was again?"


I looked at him weirdly, and raised an eyebrow. "...Umm, isn't that the name of an island?"

Now it was his turn to look at me weirdly. "N-No...that's my name."

"Alright Japan. Do you think you could tell me where I am?"

"In an abandoned mansion. I've just begun to explore with my friends..." Japan trailed off and looked at the ground with a guilty look. He then wiped it away and looked back at me. "That reminds me, have you seen them? There's a man with auburn hair and amber eyes that's taller than me, a white haired and red eyed man taller than him, and a blonde haired and blue eyed man taller both of them." He listed off.

"I believe I saw the one with auburn hair and amber eyes. He was with me before..." I stopped and nervously bit my bottom lip. "Actually before I got attacked by...t-this thing. It looked like an alien! It was pretty scary, grey and tall, with these hollow, sullen eyes. I know I might sound insane-"

"No, you don't. I've encountered it as well. I saw you were hurt so I tended to you to the best of my ability." Japan politely told me.

"Thank you." I said and lifted up my shirt a bit, and I could see a small ice pack resting against my bruised skin. I let go of my shirt and looked back at him. "Thanks again Ja...Are you okay?"

He had his head turned away from me and his eyes shut. I tilted my head in puzzlement. He opened one eye hesitantly to peek at me, then opened both eyes.

"H-Hai...I just didn't want to...l-look..."

"Ohhh..." I blushed lightly, but smiled. "I get it. I don't really mind, it's just my side anyway." I assured him. I pulled the ice pack out from under my shirt and gave it to him.

"Hai...don't you need that? Will you be okay without it?"

"Yeah, actually. I feel a lot better." I nodded.

'Though I don't know how that happened...Was it that voice that helped me?...'

"(Name)? Did you hear me?"

"Heh...no. Sorry, can you repeat that again?" I snapped out of my thoughts and direct my attention to him this time.

"I'm going to explore some more. Just stay here."

I narrowed my eyes and my lip jutted out. "Really? I'm coming with you, of course."

"But you're injured, (Name). You'll be better off here." Japan insisted.

I slipped off the bed and put a hand on my hip, meeting his eyes confidently. "Are you saying that because I'm a girl?"




N-N-No!! I didn't mean to offend you (Name), please-"

"Hey, I'm just kidding. Calm down." I grinned at him.

"Wait for a moment (Name)..." Japan retrieved a long, black and flexible-

"AaaaAAHH!" I screamed, my voice going from low to high pitched within seconds. I scurried backwards away from Japan and pressed my back against the door.

"(N-Name)! Are you okay?"

I take heavy breaths, nodding slowly. I had no clue why I just did that. It was like I was somehow afraid of whips...but I'm not sure why...

"Umm...yeah. I dunno why I just did that..."

>Obtained Germany's Whip<

A floating black sign appeared above Japan's head. He seemed completely oblivious to it. What in the world is wrong with me? And who is Germany?

Once it disappeared, I take a deep breath. I turned around and opened the door.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to explore. Either you're coming with me, or not. There really isn't another choice." I said in an assertive tone. I placed my hand on the doorknob and turned back to him. "So what will it be, Japan?"

He chuckled and shook his head, following after me.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming (Name)."

I cheerfully smiled and opened the door, happily walking out and going down the hallway. I continued walking until I pouted a little, slowing down. All this walking was giving me too much free time to think. Did I know that voice that spoke to my head before? Was I supposed to? He seemed to know me somehow...

...But how?

The Guide to the Protector (A HetaOni, 2ptalia and Female Reader Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz