Loki~ Jealousy

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Thor helped you join the Avengers because your abilities with a sword would come in handy along with Loki's magic. Once on the team you and Bucky became close friends which made Loki jealous. "She's my wife she shouldn't be hanging around him so much." Loki scoffs while talking to Thor. "Bucky is just a friend Loki. She has to have an outlet to get away from you sometimes." He laughs patting his brother on the back. "I know I can be a brut at times but I just want her with me instead of with him." He sighs as the elevator opens to the tower living room. "Where is she? She said she was here." "Brother relax. I worry about your blood pressure." "My what?" "Oh it's this thing Midgardian's get if they get worked up easily. We as Asgardians might get it too. Here sit down until she arrives." Loki sits on the couch and waits. He hears your laughter from the hall and ran over to see what you are doing.

"Oh Bucky that was fun we should do it again." You say leaving his room and fixing your dress. Loki's mind automatically jumps to you cheating on him that makes his blood boil. "Oh dearest wife, could you explain why you were in buckys room?" He growls as his arm tightly snakes around your waist. You promised Bucky you wouldn't tell anyone what happened and you can tell in his eyes he was scared. "That is none of your concern my husband." You giggle and Bucky smiles. "Well if you excuse us we will be leaving now James." "Ok see you around Loki. Bye (Y/N) talk later." He waves goodbye as you turn the corner with Loki.

You both walk to the elevator to go to your apartment in the tower. "Care to explain what's going on?" "Nothing's going on Loki. I'm just helping Bucky that's all." "Helping him what? Fuck you? Having him remember what a female body looks and feels like?" He spits as he pushes you against the wall. "I swear on my life Loki that isn't happening. I promise. I could never do that to you." You whimper because his accusing words hurt. "Then what were you doing in his room? And coming out adjusting your dress as if you just put it on?" He growls as you walk into the apartment.

"I can't tell you. I made a promise to Bucky. Your the God of lies can't you see I'm telling the truth?" You ask facing him as tears roll down you cheeks. "I don't know. That is what scares me. You have clouded my scenes, blinded my judgments about you because you are perfect for me and we've been married for so long. I just can't tell." "Then you have to trust me." You whisper stepping closer to him placing your hand against his cheek. "I don't want to lose you (Y/N)." "I'm not going anywhere." You say hugging him tightly as he slowly kneels to the floor. "I'm sorry I shouted." He whimpers. "It's ok darling." You softly kiss his forehead as you separate.

You have a quiet dinner and relax on the couch. "Why can't you tell me?" He asks breaking the silence. "Because I promised him I wouldn't tell." "I don't care for that answer but I guess I have to deal with it. Are you ready for bed?" "Yeah I'm pretty tired and I have to get up early." "Why?" He asks as you two head to the bedroom. "Training with Bucky. He's an early riser." "Well that's awful." He chuckles because he hates mornings. "Indeed it is. But I will keep quiet so I don't wake you." You say getting into bed. "Well I'll be awake as soon as you leave the bed. The feeling of your absents wakes me." He says pulling you close. "So you wake up every time I get up to use the bathroom?" "Yes and you should tell a doctor about that it doesn't seem normal." "I just have a small bladder and I drink a lot in the day." You giggle as you slowly fall asleep. "Whatever you say. Goodnight my love." He kisses your neck and interlaces his fingers with yours. "Goodnight dearest husband."

The next morning you slowly get out of bed and walk in the shower. You quickly wash so the sound of the water doesn't disturb Loki. As you walk out you can see him stirring in his sleep. You make sure you are extra quiet putting on clothes and doing your hair and makeup. As you shut the bedroom door you can hear Loki say, "damn she's gone." You felt guilty for leaving him after what happened the other day.

As you walk into the training room you see Bucky and Steve on the punching bags. "Hello boys." You say sneaking up to them scaring them slightly. "Hey (Y/N) did you get things straightened out with Loki?" Bucky asks hugging you to his muscular sweaty body. "Yeah for now. He's still curious about what we did." You say setting down your duffle bag. "So you ready?" You ask as you stretch to loosen up your muscles. "Yeah let's do this." He says getting into a fighting position. "Ladies first." He chuckles as you lunge at him taking him to the ground. He quickly pins you and you wrap your thighs around his neck slowly putting him to sleep. He falls limp and you giggle at your work.

You let him stay there until you are dressed for the day. You bring out a bucket of water to wake him up. "You're loosing your touch Bucky. I took you out in less then 3 minutes." "That's only because you're a girl and I went easy on you." He laughs as you had him a towel for his face. "Sure Bucky." You roll your eyes and head up to his room.

You use his bathroom to fix your hair and makeup like girls in the 1940's did. You walk out and Bucky's jaw drops. "You really do look like the girl I remember." "That's good now are you ready?" You ask slipping your hand into his. "I'm always ready for a dance with you doll." He turns on some jazz and starts spinning you around the room. You two danced to boogie woogie bugle boy, one o'clock jump and some slower songs. He held you tight as he swayed to the music. "Do you remember?" You ask looking up at him. A big smile creeps on his face and he nods. "That's great Bucky." You hum as you rest your head on his chest. Just that moment Loki burst into the room. "What the hell are you doing!" He shouts seeing you two pressed up together. "She a married woman you know." Loki snatches you out of Bucky's arms. "What is that on your face and why is your hair like that?" He asks looking at you. "Loki please I'm just trying to help him remember." You whimper as his grip tightens in rage. "Loki let her go." Bucky growls as he tries to free your wrist. "Why do you have her dress like this?" Loki says holding your chin to face Bucky. "He doesn't make me. I do it because I look like someone he remembers. I'm just trying to help." "Why must it be you to help? Why can't Natasha? She has history with him unlike you." "Because she is my friend." Bucky says turning off the music. "Loki please just go back to the apartment I'll be down soon." "It's clear where your loyalties are (Y/N)." He huffs leaving the room. You rush over to Bucky where he hugs you tight. "I'm so sorry (Y/N). I didn't mean for you to get in trouble. How's your wrist?" He says looking at the bruised skin. "I'll be fine. Are you ok?" "Yes I'll be ok. You should probably go talk to Loki." "Yeah he's just jealous. Everything will be fine. See you later." You say as you leave for your apartment.

You walk into you living room to find Loki sitting on the floor staring out the window. You quietly sit next to him only for him to scoot away. "We both know the real reason why you're upset." "Oh just the fact my wife is dancing and changing her apprentice for another man." He scoffs. "No Loki. You're jealous that I danced with Bucky. You don't like to share your things." He looks over at you and crosses his arms. "You know it's true. You giggle as you get up and stand next to him. "Well you are mine. I have papers to prove it." "As do I so let's not be a grumpy old ram about this and dance with me." You say offering your hand to him. He quickly takes it and makes the furniture disappear. He makes a gown appear on your body and armor on his. He starts off slow just enjoying you in his arms. He picks up the pace that you be come dizzy from all the spinning. "My love may we sit I'm terribly dizzy." You say resting your head on his chest and tightly closing your eyes. "Of course." He says leading you to the reappeared furniture. You sit in his lap as he holds you tight. "Give me your wrist." He says as a green light aluminates from his palm. You place your bruised wrist in his hand and he uses the green light to heal it. He kisses it saying, "Sorry I hurt you. Sorry I was jealous. Sorry I'm a pain in the ass and a dick." "Yeah but your my dick... Forever." You giggle kissing his lips

Tom and Loki one shots (#Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now