Loki~ Swimming

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"My gods why is it so hot?" Loki whines as he sits on the couch. "It's summer and the air conditioner is broken." You say fanning your self with a newspaper. "Why is it broken? Why is it summer? Why?" "Because it's out of coolant and on Midgard there are seasons. That is why. Now please stop complaining and fan yourself with this." You say handing him another newspaper. "It's so hot even my Frostgiant abilities aren't working." He grumbles taking the paper from you. "Here this might make you less crabby." You walk into the kitchen and grab two Popsicles from the freezer. You hand Loki the green one and he examines it carefully. "What in the world is this?" "It's a Popsicle you eat it. It will help you feel better but don't eat it fast or your head will hurt." He eyes you as you eat yours then slowly presses his tongue to the frozen treat. "Wow this tastes good. And it feels good. Do we have more?" "Yes but finish that one first." You giggle as he sucks on it like you were. "Why don't we go somewhere to get out of the heat. My gym membership includes the pool how about we swim." You suggest as you take the sticks to the trash. "But I don't have swim attire. We would swim in the nude on Asgard." He says wiggling his eyebrows hinting to you what he's talking about. "Well we can pick you up a pair of trunks before we go to the gym." "Ok but skinny dipping is a lot more fun." He says following you into the bedroom to change. You have your bathing suit on under a tank top and shorts. Loki also wears tank top and shorts as he fills your bag with a change underwear.

You get in the car and the leather seats burn your legs. You cry out in pain but Loki puts his tank top under you so you don't get burned again. "I like my view for the ride." You giggle running your hand down his toned abs. "Glad you like it." He says turning on the car as the ac blasts hot air at you for a few seconds. "Can we just stay in here with the air on?" "Sadly no it will waste gas."  You say as he starts to pull out of the drive way.

You stop at the store first to get him some swim shorts. "Now do I wear underwear with these?" He asks looking through the different patters. "You can if you want. Doesn't matter." You find the perfect ones and show them to him. "Green and gold nice eye darling." He says kissing you on the forehead. You pay and leave for the pool. "So there might be a lot of people so don't get nervous. If you do I'll be with you." You say genially rubbing his thigh. "Thanks (Y/N) you know I don't really care for crowds anymore." "I know but it will be alright."

You walk into the gym and present your membership card. You head over to the locker rooms to change. Loki changes before you and grabs two empty chairs for you and him. He waves at you when you walk in to get your attention. You place the bag on the chair and take off your flip flops. "Not as crowed as I thought it would be." You say dipping you toe in the water. "Umm darling I have a problem." "What's wrong?" "My shorts are too big." He says showing the excess material around his waist. "Oh you just tie those stings till they feel right you silly." You giggle kissing him on the nose. "What will I ever do without you?" "Probably be in jail for flashing people your manhood at the pool." "Haha every funny." He says as you get into the water. You instantly go under since it feels great. "Come on you sheep. The water feels good." You say putting your fingers on your forehead just like his helmet. "It's a ram not a sheep." He says in a matter of fact tone. He slowly steps into the water trying to push down the shorts. They make a bubbling noise as he gets all the way in. You laugh and he shoots you a not a word glare. He swims over to you and holds you tight. "This feels so much better." "Mmhm very relaxing." You say and Loki pulls you underwater and kisses you. You come up for air and smack his arm. "I wasn't ready." You cough and try to catch your breath. "Sorry darling." He pats your back to help you stop coughing. "Let's just swim for a while." You say doggie paddling away from him. "Bet I can swim faster then you." "I'm up for the challenge." Loki says swimming behind you. "Three laps sound fair?" You ask and he nods. "Ready set go." The two of you quickly make your way down to the other side of the pool. Loki beats you to the end but you start to swim faster. Loki notices your not behind him and he stops. "(Y/N) are you ok?" He sees you suspended under the water. He quickly dives after you and pulls you out of the water. He blows air into your mouth causing you to cough up water. You look up at him as he hugs you close. You cling to him crying in his chest. He coos in your ear to calm you and sets you in a chair. He brushes wet hair out of your face and wipes your tears. "Why didn't you tell me you couldn't touch darling?" He asks putting his forehead to yours. "I don't know I just wanted to have fun. I'm sorry." "It's ok darling I'm just happy you're alright." He says kissing your cheek. "Loki can we go home?" "Anything you want my love but we have to buy fans first." You laugh a little, "yeah and Popsicles." "There's my girl." He says kissing you lips and grabbing the bag.

You head home with 3 new fans. 2 for the bed room and one for the living room. The rest of the day you sat on the couch eating Popsicles in front of the fan. "We have to call a repair man about the air conditioner tomorrow." You say as Loki sits down with another treat. "Already did. He will be here tomorrow morning at 9." "Good. I can't deal with this heat anymore." Loki offers you a lick of his treat and says, "here this will make you feel better."

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