Tom~ Boating Trip

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"(Y/N) what do you want to do for our anniversary?" Tom asks as you're making dinner. "Um I don't know, I'm fine with staying at home." "Not a chance! We did that last year" he says as he hugs you from behind. "Then surprise me" you say as you bump your butt against his crotch, giggling. "Ok I'll think of something" Tom says as he swiftly smacks your ass causing it to jiggle. The two of you have a nice pasta dinner with wine and a Disney movie.

"Off to bed my sleepy drunk queen" he says with a chuckle. "Pff me? Drunk? You're funny Mr Hiddleston" you say between hiccups. "Ah yes very funny indeed Mrs Hiddleston" Tom says as he puts you to bed and kisses you goodnight. Once you were asleep Tom rushes off to the computer to find something fun and adventurous for him to take you on your anniversary. Hours of searching and scrolling through Google he finally got an idea.

He comes back into your room and smiles at your sleeping body. "God I'm lucky. Can't believe it's been 5 years already" he whispers to himself. Tom walks over to his side of the bed and changes out of his clothes. As he's sitting on the edge of the bed he takes the wedding photo of you two that he keeps on his nightstand. "I remember this like it was yesterday" he thinks to himself as he looks back at you lightly stirring in your sleep. Tom climbs into bed and pulls you close to him. You smile at the feel of his touch and breath on your cheek.

"Wake up my beautiful bride" Tom whispers in your ear and kissing all over your face. "No five more minutes please" you grumble. "Not today (Y/N) we can't be late for our anniversary date" he says patting your thigh. "Off to the shower with you while I go make breakfast" he says putting on pants and heading down the stairs.

You walk into the bathroom to find candles and rose pedals everywhere. There's a card on the sink that says read me. "What is he up too" you think to yourself. The card says "My lovely wife, today marks 5 years of wonderful marriage to you. You are my morning and evening star. My Valhalla. I love you with every fiber of my being. Now get showered and dressed so I can take you on a romantic adventurous trip today. Big sloppy kisses, Tom" You giggle at his words and step into the shower.

Once dressed and ready for the day you head downstairs to find a plate of breakfast and another note. "Eat up dear you're going to need the energy for what I got planned." As you eat Tom comes down the stairs with your suitcases. "Morning my love I'm going to but these in the car be right back" All you could do was nod because your mouth was full of the breakfast he made for you.

"How's the pancakes babe" Tom says kissing your cheek. "Amazing like always my love" you say as you wash your plate. "So by the looks of the luggage we are spending the night somewhere? Did you pack my makeup?" "Yes dearest I packed everything you use on a regular basis" Tom says with an accomplished grin on his face. "How about my medicine" you say in a cheeky tone knowing he forgot about it because you can see it above the sink. "Yep... Oh wait no I didn't. Goodness that would have been bad" he says with a concerned tone. "No worries I always keep extra in my purse anyway" you say giggling and kissing Tom.

Both of you hit the road. "I know you're probably not going to tell me but where are we going" you ask. "You are correct, I'm not telling you but I will say it's going to be a long drive so take a nap darling. I know you're still tried from last night" he says as he gives you his jacket and lightly rubs your tight soothing you to sleep.

A loud noise jolts you out of your nap. You hear seagulls and what sounds like waves as you start to calm down. "Surprise my love. We're here." Tom says as he opens your door to reveal the beach behind him. "Oh Tom it's so pretty! I've always wanted to see the beach. Thank you babe" you say as you hug and kiss him. "Oh it's not just the beach (Y/N) I got us a night on a private yacht. Where we'll sail on the ocean and dance the night away. Just me and my wife" Tom says as he picks you up bridal style and walks over to the boat. "Tom what about the luggage" "Oh the crew will get it" You gasp "So fancy" you giggle.

You are greeted by the captain and some of the crew when you get on the yacht. The crew show you to your room and brings the luggage there. The room has a great view of the water and you notice the boats already moving. You get excited and Tom laughs. He loves it when you get excited over things like this. You two go up to the deck and watch as the shore gets farther and farther away. "I have another surprise for you" Tom says as he leads you to the wheel house. The Captain shows you the controls and all the things that help the yacht go. Then he lets you drive the boat. You take ahold of the wheel and laugh. "I feel like a pirate" Tom just chuckles but the Captain didn't look too impressed.

The sun was starting to set and the crew was serving you dinner. The dinning room had a view of the sunset. The oranges and reds in the sky brought tears to your eyes. "What's wrong darling" Tom asks wiping your tears. "Nothing I'm just really happy and grateful I have you as a husband. I love you more and more everyday." You say as you kiss him and watch the sky turn purple. You hear music and take Toms offer to dance. You two dance for hours, not caring what people were doing. Just you and your husband together on a yacht in the ocean.

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