Loki~ I Know You Hate Me

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You were a warrior princess captured by King Loki's army. They put you in chains and marched you up to his throne. "My king we've captured the princess." A solider says as he kneels. Loki sits up out of the shadows and gives you a wicked smile. "My my she is lovely." He walks down to you and you lunge at him but the other soldiers hold you back. "And feisty. I love it." He chuckles. "Kneel to me my pet. I'd like to see what you look like from down there." "I will never bow to you. You are no king to me." You growl. "Ah so it's going to be like that princess? You will change your tune soon enough." He says as he slaps you hard causing you to fall to your knees. He laughs at your pain and you quickly lunge at him again. Your sharp teeth sinking into his thigh like a dagger as blood begins to seep from the wound. His scream satisfies you enough to release him. Your mouth and chin completely bloody you smile up at him and spit in his face. He uses his magic to shock you causing you to fall unconscious.

You wake up in a brightly lit cell with a mussel over your mouth. You try to pull it off but every time it would become tighter. "I wouldn't struggle if I were you princess." A voice calls from the outside. You walk closer to the window to see Loki standing in front of you with his hands behind his back. "I've have my own experience with one of those and trust me it only gets worse if you try to mess with it." You eyes narrow in hatred as he paces the outside of the cell. "You're probably wondering why I've brought you here to Asgard. You see it is tradition for the King, that's me, to take a wife by the age of 25. And that is coming rather quickly for me." You are decussated by his words. You could never have Loki for a husband. You hated him and everything he has done. He killed his brother Thor just so he could have the throne, killed many innocent people including yours, and took you from your kingdom. "I know you hate me, many people do. But I've been watching you for a long time and I know you are the one for me." He smiles up at you and you become so frustrated you pick up a chair and throw it at the window. The chair breaks into pieces and causes Loki to jump back. "Ah ah princess, we can't go destroying furniture when we are upset." He chuckles causing your blood to boil. "You don't have much say in this besides "I do" at the wedding. But I promise I will provide for you like a husband should. And eventually you'll learn to accept this." He walks into the cell and backing you into a wall. He binds your hands with magic so you don't attack. Your back hits the cold metal and you try to turn your face from his hand. He softly caresses you cheek with his hand and gives you a kiss. Your breathing becomes heavier and faster as adrenalin pumps through your body. You desperately want to kill him with your bare hands but they are bound by his magic. He steps back and nods. Before leaving he says, "Oh I almost forgot the wedding is tomorrow. Don't be late my darling. And if you cause a ruckus your people could be in danger." You quickly run after him but only to smack against the cell window where he left from. You scream and throw anything you can pick up. Words or actions could not express your hatred for him. You wanted to vomit because he kissed you and called you darling. Eventually you ran out of things to throw and your throat was sore. You crawled into a corner of the cell and cried. For the first time in your life you didn't have any control. You were scared that your people will suffer if you don't comply. You cared about your people more then yourself. Whatever happens to you doesn't matter as long as they are safe. You cry until you finally fall asleep in the corner.

The next morning guards take you up to your room where handmaidens help you get ready for the wedding. The lead handmaiden tells the guards to take off the mussel. They warn her of your biting and she doesn't seem to be scared. "I said take the hunk of metal off of her. She is a princess and soon to be your queen. She should be treated with more respect!" She shouts as the guards scrabble to unlock it. You hear the lock clink as the mussel falls off into your lap. A handmaiden takes it away as the guards leave. "Hello Princess (Y/N) I am Sarah your lead handmaiden. And this is Anna and Jane. They are also your handmaidens. I understand that you are being held here against your will but I promise I and the girls will do everything we can to make you happy." "Thank you." You say softly as you look in the mirror to see a little dried blood and the marks the mussel left on your face. "You are very beautiful princess. Beyond my imagination." Sarah says taking your hand into hers. You smile at her, "Thank you." "Now we don't have much time. Let's get you in the shower." Sarah says as he leads you into the bathroom and the girls follow. They all help scrub you down from head to toe. Next they do your hair and makeup. "Sarah is there a way you can get a message to Loki?" His name leaving your lips stings you. Even his name angers you. "Yes my princess. What do you need the message to be?" You write on a note card and hand it to her. Without a word she nods and leaves to deliver it. Loki is in his chambers getting ready as well. "My king, a message from Princess (Y/N)." She says bowing then handing him the note. He reads, "Before this goes through I have some terms we need to go over. First, I will still rule over my kingdom. You will not interfere. Second, my people will be under protection of me and the Asgardian army. Third, we will reside in separate chambers. Forth, the only time we will be seen together is at meals and public appearances. Fifth, I require my own throne room being that I am still head of my kingdom. If these are not met my kingdom will attack until I am home. Sincerely Princess (Y/N) of Hyrule."

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