Loki~ College Student

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"Hey (Y/N) I'm back." "Hi Loki I'm in the bedroom." "I do hope you're naked." Loki calls out walking towards your room. "Almost." You giggle because you're only in a tank top and panties. "How was your day?" Loki climbs on top of you giving you a kiss. "Oh the same old fighting crime and the forces of evil." He chuckles sitting back on your butt and massaging your back. "What have you been up too darling?" "Just watching this documentary for class tomorrow." "You and your history. What is the topic this time?" "The nazis, World War II and Hydra." "So will this be what you are teaching tomorrow?" Loki asks kneading your sore muscles. You are a college professor and your area of expertise is the early to mid 1900s. This was you're favorite time period in American history. You were fascinated at how the time line goes from things being fantastic to complete collapse then slowly coming back from hard times. "Yes this is what the students are starting tomorrow." "You allow them to watch a lot of movies my love. Do you have them do book work too?" "Yeah I like to start off a new topic with a documentary that gives them what's going on then we go deeper with the book and lectures." You say rolling underneath him to face him. "Do you think my teaching method is inadequate?" Your tone makes Loki aware you're a little offended at his question. "No no not at all darling. It's just when I was in school we didn't have movies it was strictly book work so I'm just curious." He says lightly kissing your cheek. "Oh well would you like to sit in one of my classes?" "That would be fun. I'll call Thor to let him now I won't be there tomorrow." He says pulling out his phone and putting it to his ear.

After the call ended you rolled back over so Loki can finish your massage. "Will I get special treatment?" He chuckles. "Nope you will be just sitting and observing." "Awe but I want to participate." He wines laying on top of you. Crushing you in the process. "Fine just get up I can't breathe." You wheeze as he kisses your ear. "Thanks darling I'm going to start dinner. Would you like anything particular?" "No I'll eat whatever you make." "Lamb it is." He chuckles. "No please anything but that." You cry not being able to cope with the thought of baby sheep being killed and eaten. "Alright my love. I was just teasing. I promise I'll never make that." He says kissing you softly. "Ok I trust you." "Good now off to the kitchen."

After you finish your lesson plans you head down to the kitchen to find Loki in his "kiss the cook" apron. He's humming while he stirs something in the pot as you sneak up and hug him from behind. "Ah there you are my little history nut. How does pasta with Alfredo sauce sound?" "Sounds wonderful. Could you turn around for a second please?" "Ok?" He says turning around as you crash you lips against his. His arms snake around you while he deepens the kiss. As you pull away to breathe you smile up at him then hop up to sit on the counter. "What was that for? You want something don't you?" He grins as he parts your legs and stands between them. "No was just following instructions." You giggle pointing at the apron. "I see. Well thank you my pet dinner will be ready in a minute. Can you get plates?" "Sure can." You say hopping off the counter and setting the table.

You eat dinner then clean the kitchen. "So about that special treatment tomorrow?" "We'll see. It all behinds on how you behave." You say heading him a dish to dry. "I promise I won't cause mischief." "Oh really the God of mischief is promising not to cause any?" You laugh as he lightly shoves you. "You know what I mean."

After the kitchen is clean you both cuddle on the couch and listen to some music. "Should I bring a notepad to class? How about a bookbag? Should I dress in my Midgardian clothes to blend in?" He asks playing with your hair. "Notepad yes bookbag no and clothes probably. I like when you wear the black jeans and the green v-neck." You say kissing his jaw. "Ok but we should head to bed. It's a school night professor Lokiwife." He chuckles as he uses the name your students call you. "Indeed it is Mr. Odinson." You head to your room and get in bed. Loki pulls you closer to him nuzzling your hair with his nose. "Mmm I get to sleep with the hot professor. Bet your students would be jealous." "Oh yeah especially Mark." You make up a name just to mess with Loki. "Who's Mark? Has he been flirting with you? I'll put him in his place tomorrow." He says getting worked up. "Hush my love I was only teasing. There's no Mark in my class." You giggle kissing his hand. "You little minx." He nibbles on your ear causing you to moan. "Loki it's a school night. And you know how I get when I don't have enough sleep." "Oh no scary (Y/N). Sorry baby I'll leave you alone. Goodnight love you." He says hugging you tight. "Goodnight love you too."

Tom and Loki one shots (#Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now