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Oh wow, another reborn story for me. But instead of creating a new clan like in my other Naruto story, my OC instead starts off in the Uchiha clan with Itachi as her brother ;]


Is this what Claustrophobia felt like? She's been in small places many times, mostly playing hide and seek with her cousins. She always went to great lengths during these games, stuffing herself into cupboards, hiding behind towels while the kids ran around desperately looking for her. It always ended with her popping out and scaring them when they gave up.

Hiding under the sink behind the towels and bottles of hair products was nothing like this.

The walls were encasing her, not lessening.

Over time, she's learnt to cope with the small feeling of panic that overwhelmed her. If she didn't concentrate on the walls and instead spaced out, then perhaps she could ignore the thrumming walls, squeezing her to the point of pain.

She's had several small panic attacks and starting kicking the walls in a fit of hysteria.

Out of desperation, she's tried to escape this prison multiple times but to no avail.

She's lost count on how long she's been in this hell hole. Days turning to weeks, months have passed by without a glimpse. It all went so fast, most of the time she sleeps the hours away, waking up at random periods of time, thinking about everything and almost nothing.

Would she be able to see her family again? Were they looking for her? When will she be able to leave?

When she thought that it couldn't get any worse, it did. Too bad there wasn't any wood for her to knock on.

The walls around her were squeezing her, she can barely move. She couldn't before but now it was just impossible.

She could feel the walls contracting around her in rhythmic patterns, thrumming as she rubbed against it forcefully.

Her head was surrounded by cold air and the rays of light shined against her eyelids.

The pain was uncomfortably unbearable. She tried to shy away from the contact of hard flesh against her body. She wasn't used to these sensations. Her senses were being overloaded. There were noises of metal clanging against each other and voices surrounding her.

The voices finally died down and just when she was about to relax, she felt the rush of wind and a hard slap against her ass.

She wasn't pleased with that. No matter how hard she forced it down, she couldn't. The pain was too much and started screaming for all to hear.


She stared intently at her, barely catching the few words Uchiha Mikoto was cooing, all of it in a language foreign to her but all the same so familiar. The baby tried to make her turn away, it's weird to have a baby stare at you while sucking on their breast, right?

The intensity of her gaze should've made the woman at least back off.

Sucking on a woman's breast to receive milk wasn't as bad as literally being inside this woman's vagina. She wasn't inclined to do this but food was food. It was the only thing she could handle at the moment anyway.

Everyone's interest in her should've withered away. The cold hearted father, Uchiha Fugaku, was surprisingly hovering over the baby. While the mother was away, he spent his time actually playing with the little girl. Dangling little stuffed toys in front of her face, smiling as her hands tried to grab them. The little Uchiha's older brother was what she focused on the most.

Her mother was precious to her, as every mother is to a child.

Her father amused her and did her best to amuse him in return.

Uchiha Itachi was a different matter. He obviously adored the little girl, spending his time with her when he wasn't at the academy, staring at her with such a love-struck expression. Stroking her face with his small hands, soft yet with a hint of callouses running along his fingers. Barely formed.

He wasn't allowed to hold her yet since she was still a few weeks old and Mikoto didn't trust a kid to hold a newborn, albeit it being Itachi.

Mikoto instead let Itachi peer over her arms and into the baby's face.


There you go, the first of many upcoming chapters. I can't help making another Naruto story. I just love Naruto so much and there's a lot of Naruto story ideas to write about. And I'm going to write about them all! So don't be shy to request a separate story from me about any pairing you want or ideas, because I will for sure make a note of it and start planning it.

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