The crowd stood there not doing anything as a guy stepped forward, “Sorciére.”

The crowd yells in disgust as they stare at the girl.

“No, no, S'il vous plait. You have it wrong!” the girl yells.

“Mensonge! You are a child of the devil!” yells the guy.

The girl cries as she holds her head down, with her hair falling in her face.

“Mesdames et Messieurs! Today, today is the day you will witness your first ever execution!” yells the guy.

The crowd yells in a mixture of what sounded like excitement and fear.

“Execution.” I whispered to myself. What could she possibly have done?

As If reading my mind the guy says, “The criminal acts that this demon are treacherous! This abomination has been caught fraternizing with the devil.”

The crowd gasps as they all shake there hard in disbelief.

“This girl has broken the law. Not once and not twice but numerous of times. She has been asked to stay away from the towns village lines and she has disobeyed and has summoned the beast to our town! She has brought on the monster that has brought death to many innocent and loving people. People such as my wife.”

The girl head snaps up, “I didn’t summon the beast here nor did I disobey your rules! You did!”


“The words I speak are not lies! Your men are the cause of the attacks! You were warned once before never to cross onto their land and you went anyways!”

“Silence! Nobody wants to hear your lies.”

“I speak only of the truth! You sent your man out in greed and the need to make your name known! You killed one of their and you place your blame upon me because of your unlawful acts.”

“And how do you know this?”  he asks.

The girl turns her head, not saying anything.

“Are you confessing that you went across the lines?”

Looking around I noticed that everyone was dressed in clothes that was the style back in the 1700s. Looking down my eyes widen as I noticed that I was dressed in the same fashion.

What in the hell?

Figuring that I could blend in with the crowd I walked closer so I could hear well, but maintained my distant as I stared at the girl. She stirred with unease as she dug her nails into her palms.

“Have you?” the guy asked.

She said nothing as she bit her lip.

“Answer me!” the guy yells making her flinch.

“Yes!” she yells, “Does that make you happy! Yes I crossed the lines.”

“For a boy?”

“No! For the love of my life.”

The guy smirks, “And are you willing to keep whatever secrets that they have over the lines to yourself to protect them?”

“I will never betray him. You can ask all you want. I will never turn on him.”

“Tell me what I want to hear and you will have the option to rot in a cell.”

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