Chapter : 30

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Cindy's POV

Last night I cried myself to sleep after my mother walked in on me and Ethan making out.. She kicked him out of the house and then she shouted at me sending me to my room.

My mother has never been so mad. But she wouldn't listen to me. That was not like her she was always one to hear me out and to be understanding. She locked me in my room now I'm sitting on my bed hoping she'll hear me out today.

Grayson's POV

I woke up this morning with the biggest smile.  Last night couldn't have gone better. I quickly jumped out of bed and checking my phone I sent Britney a text and did my usual morning routine before heading to the gym.

Britney's POV

Last night was perfect and Grayson is the most amazing person in my life. This morning when I woke up I saw Grayson had texted me.. He's so nice and sweet. I love him with everything in me..

On another note. . An unpleasant note. My mother has been acting extremely strange lately. She's been very caring.  Wanting to know everything about my life. Asking about Grayson, if we're doing fine. It's really strange,  she hasn't been like this way in years.

Ethan's POV

Today was gonna be a long day. As bad as I wanted to see Cindy I know it would be best not to show up there right now. What freaks me out is the fact that she's not answering me texts.


"Finally it's monday. ." I said as we made our way out of the house.
"Dude are you feeling sick or something? " Grayson asked concerned.
" No.." I laughed.
" Then why in the hell are you glad it's monday? !" He almost yelled.
" The thing is I haven't talked to Cindy since Friday and I'm about to freak out. .!" I said feeling the sadness fall over me.
" Man the things you'd do for the girl you love." Grayson said.

The worst of all is that tomorrow is my and Cindy's one month anniversary. . I just hope her parents will still let me see  her..

Cindy's POV

I walked straight to my locker the moment I got to school. This weekend has been total hell. Not talking to Ethan kills me, but what can I do I don't have my phone.

"Babe what's going on why aren't you reading my texts. ?" Ethan asked as I turned around.
I couldn't help myself and hugged him kissing his soft lips..

" I don't have my phone. ." I said as I pulled away.
" What? Why don't you have your phone? " Ethan asked concerned.
" My mother still has it.  But she's acting really weird. " I said thinking of my mother's strange behaviour.
" Whay do you mean?"
"Like she's avoiding me." I said.
" Wow that is weird. " Ethan said.

Britney's POV

-After school-

I couldn't wait to get home and relax. I'm so tired I thought I was gonna fall asleep in my biology class. All I could think of right now was my comfy bed and Fooooooood!!

Katelyn's POV

"I know that we all have seen the Dolans as our enemy but I've realised that we can form and shape them to perfection.  The only thing thay has stopped us so far is those brats. And by brats I mean Britney and Cindy. Now if we get them out of our way we can get the Dolan twins. " I said to my group of soldiers.  I will stop at nothing to ruin those two b×tches life's the way they have ruined mine.....

A/N THANKS for reading and vote for my story. .Comment what you think and share my story. .♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥

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