Chapter 22, Prison Riot

Start from the beginning

My wolf bent her head down low, a loud howl building in our chest as she let go; the howl echoing off the walls for what felt like kilometres, a warning howl of sorts but also a calling to Cody.

I gave my wolf control, sitting back in my mind and watching the show; the froth building at her mouth was enough to tell she was going to have a pretty damn good go at killing Seth, his eyes only now beginning to show his wolf betraying his human wishes.

Barking loudly at Seth, his wolf growled back.  Throwing the knife at me now, my wolf only ducked just in time, a fair cut scrapping between her ears as it hit the wall behind us, outside the cell.

Seth stood there arms open as he let me come at him like he wanted to die.

Unable to stop my wolf, she lunged towards him; his body slamming into the wall, shaking most of the hallway.  Her teeth lashed in his face as his smirk remained wide; her eyes seeing this and pushing herself against him for a minute before she went for the kill.

Her teeth ripped against his flesh, claws digging against his chest, as she stood on her hind legs; her head curling around Seth’s throat as the teeth grabbed and now sunk in.

Seth crying out in pain, my wolf ignored his pleas, pegging him across the room; she was going to kill him and he surely must have known this.

Voices cursing around us, my wolf jumped at Seth again; now pinned against the door, she swung her weight into it, a deafening crack sounding in the cell as Seth’s neck was surely broken but my wolf continued to go at him like it was some kind of game.

Her teeth now grabbing his ankle as Seth’s eyes rolled back in his head; she jumped up, using the force to throw Seth back into the corner of the cell as she charged over to him again.

Blood spraying the various four corners of the room, I could feel Seth’s blood dripping from my lips; my wolf only being more motivated to make him pay with his taste so close to her.

My wolf now standing over Seth again, his body was lifeless; no sign of life present in any of his features and I really wondered if my wolf was considering eating him after all she’d done.

Her senses finally hearing something other than Seth’s body flying into various parts of the cell; her head flicked up, looking in the doorway as a wolf charged at her; almost taking her by the neck as she jumped out of the way, now in the other corner, ears pinned as she glared at him.

Having all the control my wolf was stronger this way, using our consciousness against everyone.

The same sandy coloured wolf from before was standing over Seth, almost protecting him as he growled at my wolf; her instinct making her want to lunge at him.

He was barking at us, almost warning us to back down before we regretted our decision.  Our ears then absorbed the voice of Chase, who was standing and screaming at us through the bars.

‘Vera, Stop; you killed Seth, you have to stop’!

Looking up at Chase, our eyes saw the hurt in his.  He looked like he’d been crushed, a small tear sitting in his eyelid that he was trying so hard to hold back.

We must have been distracted too long as the sandy wolf pretty much tackled us to the ground, obviously thinking we’d go for Chase next.

Looking back over at Seth as two men walked towards him, thinking I was finished my culling; my wolf pushed the sandy wolf off like he was nothing, jumping at Seth again with the two men stepping back, like they didn’t want a fight.

‘You know what you’ve done rogue; you’ve killed our third in command, I hope you know the penalty for killing another pack’s wolves’.

Standing over Seth; I wanted to tell them Seth was evil but my wolf would not let me back; her teeth snapping at them, not actually trying to hurt them but being intimidating enough to make them stop approaching.

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