15: Delivery

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530 reads WOW! THAT'S SO TOTALLY WICKED! You rock squirt!
Yeah I'm a Nemo fan!

There will be some mature content sort of in this chapter.

Kyla laid there hoping Wa-ya would find Lily and bring her back in time. The contractions were getting worse and worse, then she noticed it was starting to get dark. Now what would she do, she was helpless, her baby was helpless, and the woods were full of creatures, especially wolves.

Kyla heard a wolf howl in the distance and worried even more then. As it's howling seemed to get closer and closer she started to panic. Suddenly she could hear the wolf, no three wolves running towards her.
Not knowing what else to do she pulled her knife from her coat pocket, and she heard the running stop.

Lily, Moses, and Wa-ya walked out of the woods towards her.

"Oh thank God! I thought y'all were wolves!"

"Wolves? Whatever gave you that idea?"

"Well I kept hearing...." She stopped talking and cringed in pain and Lily came to kneel beside her.

"Wolves howl." She finally said after the contraction passed.

"That was probably Wa-ya, he got excited the closer we got and kept howling. Why are you laying down? Are you having contractions!"

"I'm pretty sure I am it's very painful!"

"What would you have done if he hadn't found us and brought back!" She scorned.

"I don't know, been in a big mess?" She questioned

"Yeah no shit. I should have never agreed to go seperate ways this morning."

"Yeah I was.....thinking the.....same....thing" she stuttered out as another contraction racked her tired body.

"Those aren't very far apart, I think you're in full blown labor, seems like we got here just in time. You're probably going to need to start pushing soon."

"How will I know when?" She said shakily.

"Oh you'll know, but I will tell you if that makes you feel better." Lily said as she moved to pull off Kyla's pants.

"Yes it does."

"I wish we could make a fire but that's gonna be really hard without your flint."


Meanwhile back at the den Adahy was getting really worried, he was pacing back and forth. The girls should have been back a long time ago he thought, well I can't just sit here and wait any longer.

He pulled off his shirt, picked up a thick tree limb, and fashioned himself a torch. Then rolled it in some animal fat he'd saved from his kill to make them a lantern, and lit it with the fire he already had burning.

Adahy looked at the tracks around the den and followed the ones that were Kyla's, because she was heavier from her pregnancy her feet sank deeper into the earth. He noticed that Lily and Moses went a different way, but Wolf had gone with her. Then as he got further along he saw Wa-ya's tracks again, this time with what appeared to be Lily, and Moses with him, going in the direction Kyla had gone. This worried him greatly, had something happened to Kyla? Why would wolf leave her?


"Okay Kyla I can see the baby's head, you have to push again now."

"Uh-huh....baby....push....so tired....just need to.....sleep...a little." Lily heard her mumble incoherently

She reached up and slapped Kyla's face a few times to wake her back up.

"Come on mama you gotta push now, PUSH!"

Finally Kyla started pushing and a scream erupted from her as Lily could see the baby move further out slowly, it's head inched out with each push until it was all the way to its shoulders.

"Come on Baby two more big pushes, KYLA! Kyla you gotta push!"

She reached up and slapped her again and Kyla pushed the baby the rest of the way out in three pushes, followed by the after birth. Lily quickly rubbed the baby's chest stimulating it to get out any fluids and it started to cry.

The babies cries brought Kyla completely awake and Lily laid the baby on Kyla's chest. Then cutting a small strip from the fur she was wearing, she tied the strip of cloth tightly around the baby's umbilical cord. She then cut the cord about an inch and a half from its stomach . Kyla wrapped the bear coat around them, and the baby stopped crying.

"It's a girl Kyla!" Lily told her right before they fell asleep Lily let them rest a moment while she went to clean her hands in the nearby river.
When Lily returned she woke Kyla and told her she needed to try and nurse.


Adahy was entering the clearing and he saw Kyla lying on the ground with Lily and Moses crouched next to her, as he went running towards her he was confused by the fact her pants were off. Until he got to them and he saw the baby she was holding to her breast. He hit his knees and wrapped his arms around them.

"God, I was so worried." He breathed out.

After holding them for about ten minutes he got up and made a fire using his torch to light it.

"I guess I'll go back to camp and get food and blankets."

"No, we can't sleep out here with a newborn babe that's going to be crying, we're going to have to get back some how."

"I think I can carry her if we take several breaks in between here and there."

"Okay, we'll let her rest for a bit then start back, every step we get closer, the better."

"Alright. How long do you think she should rest?"

"I don't know, I'm not sure how long she was in labor before I got here, but it looked like awhile. How did you find us?"

"I followed her tracks then saw yours."

She nodded, "We'll wait an hour then try to head back."

"Okay." He said sitting down and rubbing Kyla's head.

Moses sat on the other side not taking his eyes off of the beautiful baby until he too fell asleep. Lily sat and watched over them, while thinking about what was to come now the baby was here.

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