"Good luck [Y/N]!" Ink's voice called over the roaring of the wind before you were plunged into darkness.


You found yourself staring at a gaping hole beneath your feet. The wind seemed to whisper to you, village legends ringing in your ears. It was said long ago that humans and monsters lived together on the surface. However, monsters depended on human determination to stay alive and often slaughtered whole villages of humans.

Disgusted by their actions, seven brave humans sacrificed themselves to create a barrier that would seal monsters underground, condemning them to starvation. You weren't quite sure what you would find underground, but something compelled you.

And you jumped.

At first, there was nothing but utter darkness. You could eventually make out a patch of flowers that you eventually smashed. The flowers were crushed by your fall, a voice whispered in your ear. Pain shot through your left arm and you moaned in pain.

"What do we have here?" a vine wrapped around your ankle. You let out a terrified screech and kicked it away. A sadistic looking flower smiled at you. "A human, I inquire? Such a pity, I bet you won't last five seconds down here. Very well, though I have a feeling we will be meeting again very soon [Y/N]."

You opened your mouth to ask the flower how he knew your name, but he disappeared into the ground. You ran through a series of tunnels and discovered that several monsters lurked underground, but all seemed too weak to attack you. Pity flashed through you, but you decided to take advantage of this as it seemed you may eventually run into a monster that had enough strength to fight.

A cozy house loomed in the distance. You gave a knock on the door and waited, fear settling in your chest. The door creaked open and a goat woman hobbled outside. "Hello?" she asked weakly, looking around. Her face fell upon seeing you. "A h-human?"

You nodded, unsure if she was going to kill you.

"My name is T-Toriel, keeper of the Ruins. I'm sorry that I was not able to greet you upon your arrival here, but I am sure you are already aware that most monsters are not fit to leave their homes at this point."

You nodded and hugged Toriel. She seemed to welcome it and beckoned you inside her house. "I prepared a pie two days ago. Would you like some?" she asked weakly. You gave her a warm smile and nodded eagerly.

Toriel seemed delighted and reappeared a moment later with a plate of cold pie. "What is your name?" she asked, her voice hoarse.

"[Y/N]," you replied through a mouthful of pie.

"What a nice name..." Toriel trailed off as she looked at her shaking paw. "My child, I know that we have only just met, but I need you to go downstairs. There you will find a door that will lead to the rest of the Underground. A friend of mine will make sure that you are safe."

"B-But..." You were cut off as Toriel got to her knees.

"For your own safety, you must run. I thought that I had enough supplements to last me through this week but I was wrong..." She groaned and collapsed to the floor.

You decided to obey Toriel and ran down the stairs. Behind you was a series of growls.

A door eventually appeared and before you could force it open, a fireball blasted your side. You cried out in pain and collapsed to the floor, shaking involuntarily as Toriel hovered over you. "Please don't hurt me," you begged, knowing that it would be useless. Starvation had forced a demented version of herself to emerge.

Toriel managed to gather enough willpower and helped you get to your feet. "Run," she insisted. "I don't have much time. You must leave now [Y/N]."

"Goodbye Toriel," you gave her a weak smile and stumbled into the blistering cold.

You walked through the cold for several miles, tears falling from your cheeks and freezing to your skin. You suddenly found yourself floating in midair. "What do we have here?" a scratched voice said from below you.

Terror seized you and you strained your neck to catch a glimpse of your captor. The familiar blue jacket caught your eye. "S-Sans?!" your voice came out as a whisper.

"[Y-Y/N]?" Sans asked, dumbfounded. The aura around you vanished and you collapsed to the ground. He mumbled an apology and hugged you.

You were relieved in this timeline that Sans still retained his memory of you. The sudden horror dawned upon the two of you at the same time.

You were a food source for every monster in the Underground.

Including him.

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