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"Sorry, it's such a mess

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"Sorry, it's such a mess." River muttered kicking the jeans against the wall as he held the door open for her.

She looked over at him with raised brows, "there's barely a mess, Riv, there's a few pieces of clothing on the floor. It's nothing." She told him as he picked up the clothes from the floor. Emily looked around, "it's really nice in here."

He smiled as he dropped the clothes into the dirty laundry basket. "You think so?"

"Yeah, it just feels so... homely."

"Thanks." He pushed his hair back off of his forehead as he leaned back onto the wall, not realizing the distance between he and the wall and slammed into it with a bit of thud.

Emily giggled at him, "smooth." She teased him as she took a seat at his dining table.

He blushed with embarrassment as he walked over to the table and sat across from her. "So, I thought we could go to dinner tonight." He switched the subject.

She grinned widely at him, making him feel all fuzzy. "That sounds great. What kind of food?"

"French. I work there, so we won't have to pay and the food is really amazing."

"Oh, you're a waiter? That's pretty cool, I did that for a summer one year."

"Actually, I'm a pianist."

"No way! That's awesome, Riv! Why haven't you told me about this?"

He shrugged, "it just never came up."

"Do you like it?"

She could notice his eyes light up a bit, "absolutely. The place is beautiful and so isn't the piano. It's just the most perfect one I've ever played."

"I like the way you got excited about it."

He scrunched his nose in the most adorable way and shrugged, "I just really love playing. It's something I've loved for... forever. You have anything like that?"

She thought for a moment, trying to find something that made her feel like that. Emily shook her head, "I've got nothing."

"Are you sure? Think harder."

She chuckled a bit, "seriously, there's nothing like that for me."

"I think we're gonna have find something like that for you this weekend."

She laughed, "good luck."


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