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Emily sat on the floor in front of the Christmas tree, accompanied by her father and his girlfriend, Esmeralda. Surprisingly, Esmeralda and Emily really hit it off and get along great. She's been spending days and nights at the house and attending dinners since they met. Quite truthfully, that's all her dad could ask for.

Emily passed around the gifts to everyone. Her dad and Esmeralda sat on the couch with his arm around her shoulder.

"You guys open up your gifts first." Emily told the two of them. Emily actually made a point to buy Esmeralda a Christmas gift, to show she actually cared for and liked her.

Her dad nudged his girlfriend, "you first."

Esmeralda grinned with her pearly whites, before tearing open a soft package. She pulled out a pink sweater and she looked at Emily's dad before kissing him.

"Thank you, it's nice to see you pay attention all the time." She thanked with her light Indian accent in her words.

"Of course I do."

Esmeralda glanced at the tag for next gift, "oh, Emmy, you didn't have to buy me anything."

Emily shrugged, "I wanted to."

She opened the gift, a basket full of luxuries for unwinding, soaps, bath salts and the like.

"I noticed you were really stressed lately, so my friends suggested I do that for you. There's even a certificate for a massage for two in there." She point to her dad, "he needs one, too, before he internally combusts."

Her dad rolled his eyes, "I won't. You open yours, Emily."

Emily tore open the envelope that sat on the top of her gifts, knowing exactly what was encased in there. She shook it out into her lap and ticket fell out.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" She exclaimed, jumping up from the floor and lunged at her dad for a hug.

"You're welcome." He laughed, hugging her back. "Thank Esmeralda, too. She's the one who convinced me. You leave Friday morning for the weekend."

Emily grabbed her pulling her into the hug. "Thank you guys so much." Emily pulled back, "I'm gonna go call him and tell him." She said with laughter, pointing towards the kitchen.

She walked over to the kitchen. "What about the rest of your gifts?" Her dad called out.

"They can wait."

With his number now committed to memory, she dialed River's number and listened to the rings.


"Hi, River, Merry Christmas!"

He immediately recognized her voice "Hey, Em. Merry Christmas."

She could barely hold back the smile on her face. "I have the most amazing gift for you."

A smile played on his lips, "I've got the same for you."

"It's me!" She laughed out.

"Wait, what?"

"I'm going to Quebec, Riv."

"Don't lie to me."

"My dad got me a ticket for Friday and I'm staying the weekend."

He laughed, "that's amazing!"

"I just had to call and tell you right away. I cannot wait!"

"Neither can I. I'm literally shaking from excitement." He chuckled, watching his hand shake in front of him.

"I just had to tell you, I'll call you later, okay?"

"Okay. Bye, Em."

"Bye, Riv." She said with a smile that River once mentioned could light up the entire world. And it really could, especially if she spoke to him.

I just got back on to this account and there's 2k reads on here! Thank you guys so much for all that and supporting this book even though I take forever to update it. I really appreciate all the votes and comment you guys have given me on this book.
P.S., not a big deal, but I decided to enter this book into the The Watty's! And good luck to anyone of you who enters as well!
P.P.S., I may have another River Phoenix book in the works for when this book is done.

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