Chapter 10: Honesty is the best policy

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Emily's POV

Demi hugged me and said ''It's okay, just talk to me, I want to help you.'' ''Okay... it all started a year ago.. I always have been really skinny and everybody always complemented me on my body.'' She nodded ''I used to feel really confident about that, it was the only thing about myself that I actually liked, but then last year I suddenly started gaining weight. At first it didn't really bother me, but eventually I gained like 20 lbs and you could see it.'' Demi was rubbing my back to comfort me. ''People also started to notice, my parents joked about it and my family commented on it too. My mom even showed her friends pictures of me how I used to look like a year before that.'' ''Why would she do that?'' Demi asked. ''I don't even know, but that's when I started feeling really uncomfortable in my own body...''

''At first I didn't really do anything about it I just thought about it a lot. I started to weigh myself more often to see if I gained weight. Nobody ever complemented me on my body again and I started to feel fatter every single day. I thought about exercising a lot, so I started to do that, but I was kind of overdoing it. I exercised everyday even if I was home at 0:30 am, I still did my workout. I didn't really lose any weight and I still looked fat.'' ''You're not fat!'' Demi said. ''I know I am Demi, people have told me so many times...''

I continued my story "As the exercising didn't work I thought of other things which might help, so I started to eat less. It was actually working and I lost some weight so I kept doing that, but then I stopped losing weight and I still felt fat.. So I just stopped eating. I sometimes have the urge to eat a lot and I feel terrible afterwards. I feel like a fat whale and I just hate myself for it, so that's when I purge...'' I decided I wasn't going to tell her about the cutting, I don't want her to know that..

''Okay baby you listen to me, you are not fat! I don't know why anybody would say that but trust me you are beautiful and you should not listen to anybody who thinks otherwise.'' She hugged me and I cried on her shoulder.. I was still fangirling inside because she called me baby but I just felt really good in her arms.

Demi's POV

I felt so bad for her, how could anyone call her fat? I felt a really strong connection to this girl even though I didn't know her for that long. I knew she didn't tell me everything, but I didn't want to push her it was already a big step that she told me this. I felt her body relax a little bit, she looked up to me and said ''Demi, thank you so much for being there for me I love you so much''. ''I love you too baby'' It was weird but I actually meant it. I really loved this girl already. 

''You look really tired, how about you stay over tonight and we'll talk more tomorrow?'' I asked her. ''I'll have to call my mom first or she will get worried'' she said. ''Okay''. She called her mom and she smiled so I guess that means yes. ''I can stay'' she said happily. ''But I don't have my pajamas or a tooth brush or anything.'' ''You can borrow some of my pj's and I think I have an extra tooth brush'' I said.

We went upstairs and I gave her some pajamas, we brushed our teeth and I showed her the guest bedroom. I hugged her goodnight and went to my bedroom. I laid down in bed and I almost immediately fell asleep.

Emily's POV

I couldn't sleep, because there were so many things going trough my mind. Should I have told Demi about my cutting? I couldn't, because I know I am not able to stop. I shouldn't have told Demi anything, she doesn't have to worry about me. For some reason I just wanted to cut, but I couldn't because I was in Demi's house. 

''You know you want to'' the voice said. Oh god no, please not now. ''Why don't you just do it, Demi doesn't have to know'' it said. It was true though, I don't have to tell her... ''She doesn't even care about you, you're just fat''. Wow that really hurt me.. Demi didn't love me.. Why would somebody love a fat whale that harms herself. I started to cry and I wanted to cut so bad. I noticed I was scratching my wrist and digging my nails in my skin. I tended to do that a lot lately. 

The voices were getting louder ''CUT YOURSELF YOU NEED IT'' ''DO IT NOW''. I scratched my wrist to the point where it was bleeding. It hurt really bad, but I couldn't stop. I had to go to the bathroom, because I didn't want to bleed on the bed. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door, I saw that it already was 2:00 am. ''CUT CUT CUT'' it was the only thing on my mind, I looked through the drawers but couldn't find anything sharp enough. Then I remembered I still had my blade in my pocket.

I was sitting on the floor with the blade in my hand. What was I doing? I can't do this! ''Come on now, you have done it so many times, don't hestitate now'' the voice said. I cut my wrist without even thinking about it and the voices started to fade away. That's when I heard a knock on the door. ''Emily, hun are you okay?'' 


NOTE: Thanks for all the votes and comments! I love it when you guys comment. So would you guys want Demi and Emily to just have a really close friendship or would you rather see them like getting feelings for each other? I'm not sure what I would prefer so just tell me what you think :)

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