"This guy bothering you?" Normani continued, completely ignorant of the thoughts dancing there way through Camila's mind.

Camila caught on straight away to Normani's intended rouse. She nodded, turning her head to stare into Normani's eyes, imagining that they were Lauren's impenetrable orbs. She tried to exude as much passion and beguilement as she could muster in that moment. The gap between their faces shrunk, and Camila found herself wishing it was Lauren standing barely centimetres away from her face. "I'll get rid of him for you then, okay baby?"

To Camila's shock, Normani placed a quick peck to her speechless lips before focusing back on the boy who was still crowding their space. "She's with me," she said slowly, as if speaking to a child.

"Are you babes lesbians? That's fucking hot!" Camila noticed Normani roll her eyes and almost mimicked the movement herself. "You know, if you're looking to experiment," he winked, and performed a slight thrusting action. "I mean I'm fuckin' down!"

"Uh nope."

"So you're not lesbians?"

"Oh, for fuck's sake!" Camila growled out with an eye roll. She had finally reached breaking point, and her unlucky victim happened to be the boy before them. "Not fucking interested. Now take your pea-sized brain and even smaller dick and stop harassing us!"

Finally getting the message loud and clear, he scurried off cursing about the "two stuck-up dykes". Camila merely rolled her eyes in response and untangled herself from Normani's grasp. It took a moment before Camila finally noticed the stunned expression that governed Normani's features.


Normani just lightly shook her head in response, her lips turning up at the corners. "You're just full of surprises."


Hoping for the best but expecting the worst, the girls made their way to the second floor. Halfway up Camila stumbled backwards, almost knocking Normani down as if she were a bowling pin. She still wasn't completely sober and despite her worry over Lauren bringing her clarity it was well renown that she didn't exactly have the best coordination. Normani was apparently paying attention though, because she managed to catch the clumsy girl before any damage could be done.

Once they reached the top of the staircase, Camila immediately noticed the difference in the noise levels. It didn't take her long to recognise why it was so quiet after a quick scope of the area; there were no drunken assholes stumbling about or couples making out against the wall. It was probably to do with the fact that there was chain, table and sign before them, acting as a obstacle to block drunken idiots from that floor. With growing trepidation, she exchanged a look with Normani before bobbing under the flimsy barricade and crawling beneath the table. There was nothing to stop others from doing that either, but as she had come to notice, most drunken people were quite lazy so Camila figured that majority wouldn't have bothered. It hit her immediately; practically as soon as she was back on her feet after over coming the poor excuse for a "barricade".

Lauren was here.

She didn't know how or why, but it was as if she could sense her, and that quite frankly scarily the shit out of her. Following her gut, Camila pointed at the door at the end of the hall. "She's in there, Normani. I can't explain it, I just...know. And I think we need to hurry."

Normani didn't even question her, just nodded in response as they jogged down the short hall to the final door. Camila's pulse spiked and a nervous sweat started to break out across her skin as they neared the door. For some reason she could sense that something wasn't right, it was cloying the air around her, strangling every breath. She just couldn't shake the bad feeling and she could only hope that her gut was wrong.

Almost reaching the door, Camila almost had a heart attack when it suddenly flew open. An attractive girl clad only in her underwear stood before the two girls, shock and devastation wreaking havoc across her features. Smudged makeup and hickeys traveled along her body, and it took everything in Camila not to focus on the twin set of round, perky breasts that sat freely on display. That didn't stop her wide eyes from traveling though.

She mentally shook herself, trying to prevent the inappropriate thoughts from pervading her senses. Everything was wrong about this situation. Her stomach seemed to sink lower and lower with each and every breath, noticing the girl's dilated eyes and agitated movements.

"Please help!" the girl pleaded in a frenzy. "She... She's not fucking breathing properly!"

Camila's heart dropped. She could practically hear the shattering as it hit the floor. Her mind screamed a barrage of pleads and denials. It took almost everything within her to ask the next question.

"Who?" her voice sounded strained and flat to her own ears.

She watched the girl's mouth form the one name that she feared. Everything seemed to spin and slow all at the same time. She could process anything as the world seemed to narrow. The name was an echo bouncing through an empty mind.



Hi guys!

So this chapter is a bit on the shorter side, but it is a quicker update, so hopefully there's no complaints... 😅

Oh, and a bit of a cliffhanger!


On another note I just wanted to talk about the fucking HORRENDOUS racial comments made against Normani in the past few weeks. If there is ANYONE who took part in the disgusting Twitter shaming reading this, please just GTFO because we don't want you here. I WILL NOT tolerate slander against another fellow human like that -- especially against people as inherently sweet as each of those five girls.

It was ONE fucking question, and Normani took her time to answer for each and had to wrap up the question with Camila, giving her less time. Who knows, maybe Camila stole some of Normani's food (we all know how protective that girl is over her food), or maybe they are bff's closer that Laumani. Point is we don't know therefore we have no right to make assumptions and accusations that harm other people and their relationships.

Also, in relation to their lack of outrage on Twitter, the 5H girls were likely told by management not to post any rants about the spiteful comments in Twitter because it would likely cause more problems for the group. So before anybody starts judging, just remember that these girls have been closer than family to one another for 4 years now. They are allowed to have small fightsand probably get sick of one another once in awhile, but in the end they all love each other despite EVERYTHING.

I still cannot even bring myself to read the shit that was posted. And I hope to never have to hear about something as appalling like that again. I love all five girls and their music, but if this is how some harmonisers continue to act, you can count me out of the fandom (although I will always continue to support the girls).

Sorry for the rant, but it needed to be said.

Please be mindful of yourselves and others, because the feelings are fragile things.

Mel <3

The Party (GxG) (Camren) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now