At about 10 seconds after, I could feel cold icy water on my face. I opened my eyes only to see the detestable Youngjae beside my bed again. "Goddamnit Youngjae!" I shrieked.

"Serves you right for not waking up. Besides, 5 minutes had passed, if you didn't know."

 I got up while feeling dizzy, and proceeded on walking to the bathroom. Not a good start of the day. Not a good start.

After I finished showering and changed into my uniform, I hurriedly went downstairs since it was about 10 minutes left before lesson starts. I mentally cursed myself again for being so slow. I looked at the dining table, and Minha was nowhere to be seen.

"Oh, Minha? She left school already. She doesn't like to be late either." Youngjae snapped my thoughts like a psychic who just read my mind.

I frowned in denial. "Who said I was searching for her?"

"Your face tells me so." Youngjae snorted mockingly. "Eat your breakfast on the way, we have no time left. No actually, you have no time left to eat your breakfast." He added, and threw me two lunch boxes.

"Why, thank you. You're such a nice friend." I said, sarcastically while catching up with him.

I tied my shoelaces quickly and stood up to put my uniform on one of the lockers. I have never liked Thursday morning ever. Bam. P.E is the first damn lesson I have.

"What are we having again?" I asked Youngjae.

"Athletics." He replied. "I hope we'll do shot-puts, instead of running around the track field like a mad person."

"Well I hope we won't do any sports today."

The girls and the boys were separated in P.E (which I do not really know why) but we share the same track field since there's particularly only one in this school. It didn't really matter to me (actually it did – a bit) if we shared the same track field. It's just that some girls won't stop shouting at stupid little things.

Our teacher told us that we will be doing shot-puts, to which made Youngjae grin in satisfaction. I rolled my eyes in annoyance, obviously not liking what we're going to do next.

The both of us carried somewhat a total of 17kg basket full of shot-puts balls (A/N: HAHAHA) towards the fresh green grass. We carefully put it down along with a certain groaning sound before we finally set it down.

"Okay gentleman! Today we will be doing shot-puts as you can see, and you all should grab a shot-put and throw it there," The coach pointed the place straight ahead. "And measure the result and jot it down in this piece of paper. If you're not satisfied you can repeat it, and I will be back in a moment."

The coach left to do whatever he's going to do, which made all of the students busying their selves to get a ball for each. I picked a 5kg one, since I didn't want to strain my muscles, yet.

I unconsciously looked at Chanyeol who was apparently talking to some dude (specifically his group member) I know that I met in the concert we recently had. Tch, I can't believe some of my fans went to him as soon as he comes to this school. He's like taking away my fans these days.

"Heh, I'm stronger than you therefore my ball will be farther than yours." I smirked at Youngjae.

"Oh shut up. Maybe my ball could miraculously be farther." He scowled.

"Well that won't happen."

"Yes it could."

"No it won't."

"Yes, it could and would."

"No it won't."



"You know what? Let's see for ourselves." Youngjae eventually gave up on our silly arguments. We both stood side by side, the ball in our right hand. We bent slightly and put the ball by our neck, readied to be thrown.

"Ready... go!" We both shouted in unison.

The ball flew quite far, and soon it landed on the grass. Mine was further than Youngjae's by about a meter (I'm not kidding). I laughed unintentionally and covered my mouth from laughing even harder. I got a glare in reply.

"You're just good at your studies, eh? You shouldn't take P.E as your main coursework." I patted his back.

"I've never liked P.E anyways, so yeah of course I won't." He muttered.

I nodded in acknowledgement, and looked straight ahead, still holding the ball. I saw Minha preparing for her sprint while talking to a girl. Her pants length was a bit too short, I thought. Her brown tied tumbling curls illuminated her rosy face, and I stared at her for a while.

She was half kneeling on the ground, preparing for a takeoff. I watched her amusingly, and slightly tilted my head to the right. She looked very eager I should say, but nonetheless her hair was too distracting. The sun rays shone towards her, revealing her soft flawless face.

The gun made a loud noise and from what I see in this spot 5 girls were sprinting (including Minha) and she was on the lead. I was quite surprised that she is good at running; I thought she was a very subtle and humble girl. I guess I was a bit wrong about her.

She was constantly in the lead of everyone, and I was a bit absurd when I realized other guys were actually watching them too. I looked at them weirdly, but I didn't really care. The next thing that happened was,

She fell abruptly.

My reflexes acted almost immediately, and as I was about to ran towards her to help her, I saw Chanyeol already running even faster than I was. My heart fell when I saw her falling to the ground; and one more thing happened.

I dropped the 5kg ball.

"OW!!" I screamed blatantly and cursed silently. Youngjae ran towards me and helped me promptly. I was relieved that I'm going to the nurse to take care of my right swollen (or broken) toes but then I just remembered that Minha's in the nurse too.

I tried to turn back, but I couldn't. "Hey, let's not go to the nurse." I objected.

"What?! Are you crazy?! There will be an inflammation soon if that broken toes of yours treated later!" Youngjae retorted.

I mentally facepalmed myself, and prepared for the worst (not really). Sharing the same room as her? No way! The atmosphere will be awkward as hell. I don't know what to say nor does she.

We arrived at the nurse a minute after, and I could already see a feminine figure on the other side of the room, her bruises being treated by one of the nurse. The nurse led me to the bed beside it (there were 2 beds in total) and I awkwardly settled myself down.

I carefully opened my socks, revealing swollen toes on my right foot. I winced at the pain, and the nurse stated that no bones were broken. I let out a sigh, feeling relieved. I glanced at Minha, who was looking away.

After my toes were treated, the nurse told me to stay here for a while. I heard the nurse who was talking to Minha that she should also stay here for a while. I mentally cursed at myself for the umpteenth time, and closed my eyes for a while.

To my surprise, she suddenly talked – and I was very certain that it was addressed to me.



HELLOOOOO TO ALL MY BEAUTIFUL READERS! It's been over a month since I haven't updated this story, and I'm really sorry for making you guys wait. I hope you guys still remember this story, though :p I hope you like this chapter and if you do, click on the vote button and comment down below! Have a great day :-)

XOXO, _ohcaptain

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