[ pink shoes ]

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After putting Yebin to bed, I went into my room to clear out my stuff.

As I cleared my bag, I saw the drawing that Yebin drew of herself, Joshua and me.

Two parents. Every child imagines of having two parents and Yebin is one of them.

Why did she have to draw him inside the picture...? It could have just been the two of us.

Maybe it doesn't have to be...


As I was cleaning the hotel's glass door - I saw him. The one person that I never expected to see in a million years.

"Oh crap," I mumbled to myself.

"Pleased to see me?" Wonwoo asked as he opened the door with a smile.

He looks different. He's less, emo-ish?

"What are you doing here?" I asked in shock.

"I got the letter you sent to me," Wonwoo replied. "Took the first flight home."

He got the letter, with Yebin's drawing.

"No, no, no," I said. "It was a mistake, I sent it to you by accident. I didn't expect you to show up," I continued as I pushed him out the door.

"It made me think about her life," Wonwoo continued. "I am her dad."

Wonwoo stopped me and looked straight into my eyes.

"Dad? What makes you think that you are qualified for that title? Dad," I looked at him with an angry feeling at heart. "Where were you when she came into this world? Or when she got her first tooth? Or took her first steps?"

"Has anyone ever told you that you have the most beautiful eyes?" Wonwoo asked trying to change the topic with a smile on his face.

But it didn't cheer me up and I pushed him all the way out. But when I wanted to re-enter, the door wouldn't move back. It was the rotational door that only moved in one direction.


I had to turn the door using the original route - which means that Wonwoo will get to go into the hotel again.

I looked at him for a few seconds before looking away.

"Look, I'm sorry," Wonwoo apologised to me while holding some flowers in my hands. He was behind me as I made my way back into the hotel lobby. "I know that I'm a complete jerk and a creep but there hasn't been a moment in the past 5 years that I haven't wondered what she looks like. Does she look like me, does she have any features that look like me."

"You're so full of shit," I said in anger and continued to clean the transparent glass wall.

"You have to give me a chance, Lilia," Wonwoo begged as he watched me clean. "I can be different," he said, making me stop and look at him. "I promise."

"I'll go on my hands and knees if I have to-" Wonwoo said but I immediately told him to get up. He's embarrassing me.

"You idiot, if this was about me, I would have sent you to the airport."

"You'll be right to that," Wonwoo agreed with me. "But it's not."

I gave a few seconds of thought before deciding. "One shot. You have one shot. One mistake and you're out from both of our lives is that clear?"

Wonwoo nods.

"And you must be nice. Not just regular nice, but super father christmas easter bunny fairy godmother jesus christ nice," I warned him.

Wonwoo nods again.

"And you will buy her the most expensive pair of shitty pink shoes."

Wonwoo nods with a grin on his face.

Miju : last update for today ~

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