[ fancy lunch ]

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"And then my friend was like, I have to talk like an idiot because you are an idiot," Joshua said making the both of us laugh as we entered his house.

I looked towards my left to see the girl standing on the flight of stairs - Lim Nayoung. She doesn't really look too happy. But she does look nice in that nightgown of hers

"Nayoung," Joshua said with a smile. "This is Lilia."

"Morning," Nayoung greeted me from the stairs.

"Hey," I greeted her back awkwardly and looked at Joshua with a smile.


"Wow, this should be in the museum," I said in shock to see the lunch that Nayoung made herself.

"Oh, it's nothing," Nayoung replied with a smile and took out her utensils from the napkin.

Nayoung made everything look so fancy and modern. Her breakfast looks like something Kyungwon would have every single day. What is with Joshua and rich girls.

She then began telling me the ingredients she put inside her food.

"Oh, mine's usually just pancake and things like that," I mentioned to Nayoung.

"Ah, good old pancakes," Nayoung said with a slight laugh. "Zero nutritional values."

"But still delicious," Joshua said and looked at me with a smile.

"You know I can't drink alcohol," Nayoung said to her brother who was about to poor in some soju for us.

"Why can't you drink?" I asked Nayoung curiously. "If that's not a rude question."

Nayoung looked at Joshua. "Joshua," Nayoung looked at him - motioning for him to tell me.

"What?" I asked Joshua as he struggled to speak.

He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He managed to say some letters but besides that, there wasn't even a word.

I was confused and extremely curious.

"Joshua and I are pregnant," Nayoung said for Joshua who still couldn't speak properly. "12 and a half weeks in."

Joshua just took the soju and drank it as I tried to process the sudden news.

"That's wonderful," I faked my happiness for Nayoung. "Con-congratulations."

I looked at Joshua with a slightly unhappy face and a broken heart. "Joshua, you didn't tell me."

It was getting really awkward, so Nayoung thought that maybe she should clear her plate.

"Oh, let me help you," I offered, but she accidentally poured over her brother's glass of wine.

"Oh my god," Nayoung's brother half-exclaimed and picked the glass up.

Nayoung was really stressing out.

As more things feel and made the cloth messy, Nayoung called out to Joshua to make him tidy the table a little.

Joshua immediately stood up to clear things up - but it created more mess.

"Oh fuck," Joshua cursed as more things fell and made the table messier.

"Why can't you just say fudge!?" Nayoung screamed at Joshua making everyone, including me, stop and look at her.

Joshua immediately broke into a laughter - causing me to laugh too.

But, it just made Nayoung angrier. She immediately threw the plate onto the table - which of course - broke it and pulled the table cloth - making everything fall onto the ground and break into pieces.

The both of us grew quite, while her brother was leaning against the fall to avoid any cuts caused by the glass.

Nayoung just faked a laugh and trying to hold back her tears. "Look at what you make me do," she said with a fake laugh. "It's okay, it's fine. We have a herb massage in an hour," she continued as she took a leaflet. "Everything's going to be fine."

She's gonna burst into tears - isn't she?

I just stared at her with my mouth wide open - not really believing at what is going on right now.

Does Joshua deal with this every day, or it because I'm around? I hope he doesn't because I would feel really bad for him.  

LOVE, JOSHUA - H.JSWhere stories live. Discover now