Chapter 8

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*50 minutes after Lucy's speech to her team*

I started to head back from Erza's place with all my stuff packed for the next year. I packed, my clothes, all my jewels, and basically everything a girl would need for a year. Surprisingly, I saved up to 100,000 jewels. That's from selling my apartment and taking jobs while I stayed with Erza. I didn't spend a single jewel.

When I left Erza's, she told me she would be there a few minutes after me. Of course, she had all her suitcases tied together on a big wagon. Unlike me who has three bags, a suitcase and a backpack. I always wondered what she always has in those bags of hers, but I never get the time to ask her. Mhm.

I reached the guild. 5 more minutes. I set my stuff down on the table I was standing on an hour ago. I sat down after placing my stuff down. "Hey Lucy" I heard, I turned around to see Master with a sad face. "Win this for Fairy Tail. I'm trusting you to look after your team. Be safe. Promise?"

"Promise." I smiled, then the guild doors opened to every member of my team. Most of them had as mush luggage as I did. Erza had the most of course. "Alright, before we set off we are going to put all our jewels together and Mira will find us a place to stay for the next year." I said, standing in front of my team.

Each member put a bag in a pile with the number of jewels on the side of the bag saying how much there was saved up. I put the bags in a line and saw how much each person had saved.

Natsu Dragneel and Happy: 200,000
Levy Mcgarden: 30,000
Erza Scarlet: 400,000
Gray Fullbuster: 45,000
Gajeel Refox and Lily: 65,000
Mirajane and Elfman Strauss: 150,000
Laxus Dreyar: 300,000
Evergreen: 45,000
Freed Justine: 30,000
Bixlow: 55,000
Wendy Marvell and Carla: 35,000
Romeo Conbolt: 35,000
Juvia Lockser: 60,000
Jellal Fernandes: 300,000

When I added them together I got about almost 2 million. That's enough for food, a place, and rent. Of course we will still come and get jobs to keep the money somewhat balanced. "Now Mira?"


"Do you know anywhere that can hou-" I stopped and remembered something.
"I know a place!" I said.

"Where?" Said Erza, "Heartfilia Konzern" I replied.

"Wasn't that your mansion?" Asked Gary

"It still is technically. When my father passed away, he may have lost his business, but my parents had my name on there. They haven't gotten rid of it because it was my fathers will. But to warn you, we are going to have to go on big jobs to stay there."

"Yes!" My team said happily, know that they get to stay in a mansion.

"Everyone grab your things, cause we are leaving!" I yelled, everyone grabbed there stuff and Natsu started walking next to as we walked out the guild, waving goodbye to everyone.

"Lucy your taking us to a train aren't you?.."

"Yup" I replied to Natsu.

"You better hold my hand the whole time" he said giving me a smile.

"Sure thing, Natsu."

We arrived at the train about 20 minutes later. It was around 3pm. We should arrive there around 5 to 6pm. We boarded the train and sat in an area for only us. "So Lucy," Mira started, "I was wondering how many bedrooms there are."

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