Chapter 14

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Later on that night, Harleen returned to Arkham, along with the gun Joker had requested.

She was able to easily sneak past the guards, as they were sleeping on the job.

Harleen took Joker's advice and dressed casually, wearing a dark denim top, jeans, and ankle boots.

She had done many favors for Joker once before, but this particular one left an uneasy feeling in her stomach. She felt that something was going to go terribly wrong. However, it was too late to turn back now.

She turned down the long corridor to his cell. To her surprise, he wasn't in there. She swiped her key and walked in his cell, only to find an unmade bed.

Exiting his cell, she quietly headed down the hall, being careful not to cause a commotion amongst the rest of the inmates, as she wasn't supposed to be there at this time of night.

All of a sudden, there was a loud explosion and dozens of gunshots firing out, glass shattering, and people screaming. Harleen, who was stunned at everything that just happened, bolted to the closest room nearby, clutching the machine gun in her hand.

Panting, she finally reached her destination and swung open the door, only to recieve a swift blow to her face.

*A few minutes later*

Harleen woke up on the floor after being knocked out cold for a few minutes. Her body felt heavy as she was dragged across the floor and then lifted onto an exam table. She thrashed against the grip of two strangers trying to strap her down.

"Get off me!"

She tried to wiggle free, but she was pushed back down by the bigger one and the air was knocked out of her lungs. She then felt the tight grasp of a leather belt against her ankles and wrists, cutting into her skin.

Harleen was about to yell for help when she heard the chamber of a gun cock.

"You move or scream, i will shoot you."

Everything in the room was completely destroyed. The lights hung by wires from the ceiling, glass from windows were scattered on the floor, the doors had been blown off from their hinges.

Harleen could feel sweat forming on her forehead.

**PRESENT TIME** (everything you've read so far was flashbacks leading up to this moment)

She was squeezing her eyes shut until she heard a familiar voice.

"What do we have here...? Oh! Hello Dr Quinzel!"

Harleen heard the shuffle of his feet against the linoleum floor, coming closer to where she was. She was so confused to what was going on. Why was he holding her against her will?

He took the fluorescent light above her head and slammed it down, inches away from her face, feeling the hot sensation from the bulb.

She decided to risk it all and open her mouth.

"I did everything you said! I helped you!"

He came closer to her face and flashed his grills at her.

"Ah... you helped me... by erasing my mind and worked through the FEW FADED MEMORIES I HAD!"

He slammed his fists on the exam table on both sides of her head, repeatedly.

He closed his eyes and ran his hand through his hair.

"You left me in a black hole of rage and confusion..."

His eyes burned into hers, then he suddenly rose up.

"Is that the medicine you practice, Dr. Quinzel?"

The snapping of his purple latex glove made Harleen flinch.

"What are you gonna kill me, Mr J?"
Harleen asked, shaking her head back and forth.

He came back down, closer to her face than before.


He grabbed two energy charged handles and firmly grasped them in his hands, his knuckles turning white.

"Oh i'm not gonna kill ya... i'm just gonna hurt ya... really... really... bad."

Being brave, Harleen dared to speak again.

"You think so? Well, I can take it."

Joker grabbed another belt, snapping the leather and made Harleen bite down on it.

He proceeded to caress her head.

"I wouldn't want you to break those perfect, porcelain capped teeth... when the juice hits your brain."

He then pressed both charged handles to each temple of hers and Harleen began to convulse, feeling the hot electricity burn through her head and course throughout her body. Foam started to form at the corners of her mouth.

"Oh boy Doc, looks like you don't floss your brain that often! Tsk tsk tsk!"
Joker said while laughing, maniacally.

Joker switched off the generator and Harleen's body stopped thrashing violently against the table. Her eyes fluttered and rolled to the back of her head.

"Well, I had a great time with ya Doc, but we have to part ways now, remember to floss often!"

Joker then grabbed his henchmen and left the room, leaving Harleen on the exam table, struggling to get up.

After everything she's done for him, there's no way he's leaving that easily. She brought and gave him whatever he asked her. She proved herself to him that she loves him and this is how he repays her. No way in hell is he getting away with this.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2016 ⏰

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