Chapter 3

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The click of her heels echoed in the hallway as she walked scanning each cell, hoping to see him.

A few guards would question her:

"Ms. Quinzel, where are you going? You shouldn't be walking alone, especially at this time."

She would stop to turn around and say:

"Where I'm going is none of your concern and address me as Dr. Quinzel, thank you."

She turned the corner, where many other cells laid. She noticed that one cell had its lights off. Being curious, she walked over to it, wanting to know who it belonged to.

As she peered in, she took notice of a figure laying on the bed. She looked for the outside switch for the lights of the cell, then flipped it on.

The white lights flickered on and when she looked back to the bed, the figure was flashing her a big, metal grin.

It was him.

Overwhelmed with emotion, between fear and excitement, she quickly composed herself and pulled the small note out of her coat pocket.

She took a deep, but unnoticeable breath and then proceeded to ask:

"Care to tell me how this got in my office?"

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