Chapter 8

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When Harleen arrived home, she set down her bag and took out his file and placed it on her desk.

She sat down in a chair and began to review everything that was in his folder. From newspaper articles, pictures, even previous session notes with other doctors.

But she noticed one thing.

He never talked much about his past to his previous doctors, at all. Although he told her he had no memory of his past, she knew that his memory couldn't possibly diminish just from falling into a vat of chemicals. Disfiguration? Sure. But altering or forgetting any of your past memories? She highly doubted it.

She chewed on her pen, pondering a list of questions she was going to ask him the next day.

She took off her glasses and rubbed her temples. This man was consuming her thoughts and it was overwhelming to her.

She had to admit, she had an attraction to him, but she couldn't get involved with him. It would be wrong and unprofessional. She would kiss her career of being a psychiatrist goodbye.

She tapped her pen against her table and started to write down some questions.

If you can remember, can you tell me anything about your childhood?

What was it like?

Did you have any difficulties while growing up?

She set down her pen and got up to get ready for bed.


12:45 AM

She wasn't able to fall asleep. He was preventing her to do so.

She got up from her bed and walked to the bathroom to grab some sleeping pills and a glass of water.

Ever since she took him as her patient, she hadn't been sleeping much. She heard his voice in the back of her mind, eating away at her thoughts.

She went back to bed and tried to clear her mind of him before falling back asleep.

However, she heard a noise that made her wide awake.

It was the sound of her apartment door opening.

Panicking, she immediately ran to her closet, locking herself in and remaining quiet.

Shit, i forgot the damn phone.

Feeling around for a object that could be a weapon to use against her intruder, she felt her old baseball bat and gripped it tightly.

She stopped moving around when she heard the intruder's footsteps move into her bedroom.

She covered her mouth and nose, preventing any noise from coming out.

The footsteps came closer.

And closer.

And closer.

Then, all of a sudden, the closet door flew open and she screamed.

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