Chapter 7

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The following day she came into his cell to see that he was already sitted at the table, waiting for her.

She swiped herself in and walked over quickly, setting her notesheet and coffee down.

"Sorry I'm late Mr J, there was a bit of traffic."

His eyes trailed up to hers.

"Not a problem sweets."

She smiled and sat down, taking out a pen from her pocket.

"Harley, let me ask you something."

"Sure, anything." She said while adjusting her glasses.

"Have you've ever done something completely out of your element?"

This question puzzled her. She thought for a good few minutes while he stared at her waiting for answer.

"No, I suppose not."

The corner of his left side of his mouth turned upwards into a sly smirk.

"Would you like to?"

"I would have to think about that, Mr J. But I will let you know. Now let's start."

He signed and sunk back into his seat.

"You're no fun Doc." He said as he placed his hands in his lap, his handcuffs clinking.

He was no longer in a straightjacket, but his ankles and wrists were cuffed though. Harley felt bad for him and requested the jacket to be removed after their previous session.

"I am fun! And you know what! To prove that I am fun, I'm thinking about moving our sessions to my office. Whad'ya think about that?"

"Well then I take that back Doc! Sounds pretty fun to me." He said as he winked to her.

She giggled as she prepared her questions for him.


"Well Mr J, thank you for today's session. I got a lot of good information and I appreciate you for cooperating with me." She said as she smiled.

"Anytime sweets." He said as he picked at his fingernails.

"Enjoy the rest of your day-or at least try to."

He looked up at her, then saluted her.

She is making it too easy for me.

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