"So I'm assuming you like it?" he said, laughing at my facial expression.

"Oh my gosh," I said after I swallowed. "I want to marry it."

"Hey," Cole frowned. "I'm sitting right here, you know. You do remember me, right? Your boyfriend?"

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help smiling at the word 'boyfriend.' "Sorry, but I've found my true love. I'm sorry, Cole. It's over. It's not you, it's me. I hope we can still be friends."

I shoved the rest of it in my mouth as Cole sat beside me with his mouth hanging open. "I think a s'mores cobbler just stole my girlfriend."

Jaden patted him on the back. "It happens to the best of us."


"Hey, let's go ride Laff Trakk," Luke said later that day. We agreed and headed over to the ride, hoping that the line wouldn't be too long. Thankfully, it wasn't, and we only spent about fifteen minutes in line. Of course we took a ton of selfies in the funhouse mirrors before getting on the ride - just like every other teenager there.

Once we got off the ride, we stopped at one of the bathrooms. Obviously Emma and I took longer since we had to check our hair and makeup, and the boys were waiting for us when we came outside. We started walking away when I remembered something. "Wait, I forgot my wallet. I'll be right back."

I hurried back into the bathroom and grabbed my wallet from the stall I had left it in. I went back outside and was about to run to catch up with the others when someone grabbed my wrist.

"Well, well, look who we have here. The one and only McKenna Jacobs."

I froze, a wave of panic washing over me and paralyzing me.


The person who had bullied me all throughout elementary and middle school, the reason my family had to move and change school districts because my old school didn't do anything about him.

I tried to yank my arm away but he was too strong. Noah laughed at my struggling and dragged me behind the building, shoving me back against the wall.

"I almost didn't recognize you. Who would've thought that ugly little girl would turn out to be so hot," he said, looking me up and down. I felt like throwing up. His touch felt like spiders crawling on my skin.

I closed my eyes as he ran his fingers along my face. I tried pushing him off of me and was reward with a sharp slap across my face. "Don't even try to get away. You couldn't even if you tried," he hissed.

My breathing grew heavy and my cheek started burning from the force of his blow. Then he started running his hands along my waist, and I felt fear grip me when my shirt rode up and his fingers grazed my bare skin. I tried to scream but he put his hand over my mouth, making it hard to breathe.

Then I heard Cole's voice from the other side of the building. "Where's Kenna?"

"I don't know," Emma said, concern filling her voice. "I thought she was behind us with you."

I heard Cole mumbling something, too low for me to hear. "You guys go ahead, I'll stay here and wait for her."

Just then something snapped inside of me. I don't know whether it was the sound of concern in Cole's voice or some newfound strength, but I knew I had to do something. I couldn't let Noah win. Not again.

When he let go of my wrist to move my shirt up, I raised my right hand and slapped him across the face as hard as I could.

He froze, holding his face in one hand and my left arm in the other. Slowly he turned to glare at me. "You really shouldn't have done that," he said, his voice low and full of hatred.

my better half | c.w. ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora