Of thank God, it wasn't what I thought.

"No! Get off!" She cries once more and I rush over setting my gun down by the lap before kneeling on the bed.

"Hey baby, wake up." I say reaching over to gently grab her wrists.

"No!" She screams her face scrunched up in pain. Her forehead and chest were covered in sweat.

"Baby, wake up. It's okay." I say, trying to push her wrists away so I could reach her shoulders to shake her.

"Get off me!" She says managing to hit my chest a few times with her small fists but I ignore it.

"Wake up Ryder." I say a bit louder shaking her shoulders.

"No...no..." She murmurs her head turning from side to side before I shake her once more. Ryder gasps, her eyes flying open, looking frantically around before they meet mine.

"It's okay." I say reaching with one of my hands to brush away the hairs that had stuck to her forehead, before the back of my fingers brush the tears from her cheeks. I frown as she blinks, new tears forming in her eyes.

"It was just a dream." I softly add.

"N-n-no." She mutters shaking her head. "No, it wasn't."

I frown because even though Ryder didn't say anything to me, I perfectly knew what her dream was about and as I gaze at the pain held in her eyes I could feel my heart break into pieces while it begins to crumble and weigh down by a heavy ton of guilt.

"Baby, come here." I mutter quickly sitting down before pulling her onto my lap, keeping her wrapped up in the duvet. Ryder let's out a small whimper as she nuzzles herself into my chest before she begins to weep.

"Shhh, it's okay. I'm right here." I mutter, my voice ghostly quiet as I hold her tightly, as if I was trying to secure her form all of the bad in the world.

Was last night a bad idea, did I fuck up? Did I pressure her into having sex with me too soon?

The idea is nauseating and for about the second time I start to think that maybe Zayn is right, maybe I am no different then my brother.

"I'm so sorry." I say apologetically as my brows furrow, resting my chin at the top of her head. "I am so sorry."

How could I have messed up so bad? I should have been there. I swore I would never leave her alone, that no one would touch her in such an obscene way.

Without another word, I hold Ryder until she is all cried out and falls back asleep. Innerly, I promise myself that no matter what I am going to protect her, even though I have already promised her so many times.

However, no matter how many times I say it or actually do it, I know it will never be enough because she is a princess and I am just a prince of darkness trying to grasp onto something beautiful.

"Hey, James." I mutter into the phone when he finally answers, as I rub my fingers over my forehead.

"Hey kid, where are you?"

"I'm at home." I sigh. "I don't think I'm coming to work today. Ryder had a nightmare and she doesn't want me to leave her."

"Oh, my baby girl." He sighs. "Okay, that's fine. Take the day off and watch her for me please. I'll try to swing by during lunch if that's okay."

"Yeah of course." I answer. Who am I do forbid a visit from Ryder's father to her, especially when he is so willing.

It was now the afternoon, I was sitting on the couch with Ryder on my lap as we watch Teen Beach movie for what feels like the billionth time, but that doesn't matter to me. I would watch this movie on repeat for the rest of my life it meant that Ryder's smile lasted on her face and her mind distracted from the obstacles in her life.

Enticing (Harry Styles AU) #Wattys2016Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat