Chapter 16

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We ended up landing in the middle of the dining hall. In the middle of lunch. Everyone saw my scars. Thank Nico. Very appreciated. I blushed. Nico helped me down off the table. Then he dragged me to his cabin. I groaned. He was death gripping one of my newer cuts. He pulled me into the dark cabin. There was a huge bed with black sheets, a black couch, and a flat screen TV. There was then a bathroom and a tiny kitchen.

"Woah! Not fair! This place is awesome!" I exclaimed as I plopped down on the couch. He chuckled and say next to me. I laid my legs across his lap and leaned back, getting comfortable in the cloud-like couch. He rolled his eyes and grabbed the remote. He turned on the TV and we watched some cartoons. Then I saw an old time favorite that I used to watch when I was little on. And lucky me, it was a marathon of it too.

"Let's watch that!" I exclaimed. "And record it too please!" He sighed and started recording the show.

"Is it bad I've never seen this show?" he asked. I gasped.

"You haven't lived if you haven't seen this show!" I exclaimed. He shrugged.

"And what kind of name is Gravity Falls?" he asked. I rolled my eyes this time.

"Just watch." And we did. Nico ended up liking it and I finally got to see hoe they ended. We talked a bit about the show. Favorite characters, least favorite characters, ect., ect., ect. Then the dinner bell rang. I groaned.

"Do we have to go?" I complained. He rolled his eyes again and say up, sliding my legs off. Then he stalked his way over to the mini kitchen. "Thank Zeus!" I exclaimed. He chuckled as he pulled out a frozen pizza and started baking it. I sighed. He came back into the room. He motioned for me to take my jacket off, but i shook my head no. He sighed. Then he walked over to his bed and took his aviator jacket off. I looked at his scar covered arms again. Sure, I had seen thrm on the bridge, but I didn't see his whole arm. I finally took mine off. He sat down next to me.

"How many?" he asked.

"I had 181. Now 195," I answered. Then I asked him the same question.

"Somewhere around 200. I've lost track," he replied. (Silver: Everyone please remember their talking about everywhere on their bodies, not just their arms.) I nodded. He pulled me into another hug. I cried into his shoulder. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. We jumped apart. I quickly dried my tears as Nico went up and got the door. The oven went off so I went to get it out. I placed it on the table when I heard arguing. I looked over at the door. Chiron. I walked up to the son of Hades and the centaur.

"Ahh. Ms. Sarah. Just the other person im looking for. You two do realize their is.a rule about a boy and girl without the same godly parents being alone in a cabin together, correct? Well, I must ask you kindly, Ms. Johnson, to leave," he said. Nico opened his mouth to protest, but I stopped him.

"Sir, if I may, I would like to say something. Nico did something amazing today. He stopped me from taking my own life." The centuars eyes widened. "I would like permission to be allowed in his cabin alone together," I said. He closed his eyes and thought for a moment.

"Ok," he finally said. "Ok. Fine. And Mr. di Angelo, you are allowed to sit at the Apollo table at lunch," he added. Then he walked away. Nico gaped at me. I winked and made my way back over to the couch. He followed. We ate pizza and talked. It was...... nice. We bonded alot. A daughter of Apollo and a son of Hades. Suprising right? After a while i had to go back to my own cabin🙁. Nico had talked me into telling my siblings what I had been doing foe the past week and what I almost did. As i walked in, all my siblings gathered around me. I was bombarded with questions.

"Where were you?"

"What happened?" But Kayla's rang out above most.

"Where did those scars come from?" I sighed. Time to explain. I walked over to my bed and ripped down the sheets. I sat on the bed. Everyone gathered around me again. I started to explain. Some tears were shed and a few gasps were let out. It felt good to tell my family about this. Kayla was the first to stand. She tackled me in a hug. Everyone else joined her. I let out a small sob, but stopped myself from crying. Not now, i told myself. Everyone needs strength right now. Show it to them. But those small sentences didnt stop me from letting a few tears drip silently ontp my pillow case as I tried fo fall asleep.

Silver: Basically filler chapter

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