Chapter 3

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I stayed in the infirmary with nobody but Will for company for three days, like he said. When the three agonizing days were over, I ran out of the hospital and laid down on the grass.

"Grass is sooooo much better then sheets," I said. Will laughed. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"You don't need to get chiggers. Come on. I'll show you the camp," he said. We then walked around camp, enjoying the views and sights. We then walked to the cabins. He pointed out the Zeus, Poseidon, and Hera cabins first.

"Then that one over there, 13, is the Hades cabin," he said. I looked at the cabin and instantly fell in love. It was pure obsidion with green torches by the door. On the door was a skull knocker. There were 2 windows, no more no less. It was perfect.

"Is there any way Hades did actually break the oath?" I asked hopefully. Will shook his head.

"No. Nico told me he talked to his dad about it. Hades hasn't broken the path once," said Will.

"Oh." We continued on. He showed me the Athena, Ares, Artemis, Hephestus. Then my least favorite. The Apollo.

"This is my cabin! Cabin 7. A.k.a Apollo," he said. I nodded and took in it's golden everything. To shiny.

"Is there any way hes my dad?" I asked. Will looked me over.

"I'd say a 0.00000000009% chance," he said.

"Good," I huffed. "Next!" We moved in on to the others, before coming to a stop in front of Cabin 12.

"Hermes cabin. You'll be staying here until your claimed. Watch your valuables, by the way," he said as he knocked on thr door. A boy with brown hair and eyes opened it. Then he saw me and broke into a mischivious grin. He opened the door wider so we could walk in. We did.

"My name is Travis. My brother, Connor, and I are the co- counclers of this cabin. Determined or undetermined?" he asked.

"Undetermined," I responded. Suddenly, I felt fingers graze my side. I grabbed the hand, quick as lightning, and flipped him over my shoulder, much to Will's dislike. The boy groaned. Then he grinned. I noticed my wallet in his hand and grabbed it, stuffing it back into my pocket.

"This girl is no joke!" said the boy. He looked the same as Travis, so I guessed he was Connor.

"I know! She hasn't even cracked a smile yet," complained Travis. A girl walked over and sighed.

"I'm Ana. I'll show you your bunk," she said, leading me away from the twins. Will followed.

"This is yours. Your right next to me," she said, pointing at an empty bunk. Right next to it was a suitcase. I looked at Will and he smiled.

"Nico, Ana, and I went to get you some of your clothes," he said.

"Thanks," I replied, the ghost of a smile on my lips. Then Ana dragged me out of the cabin.

"We're going to find you a weapon," she announced. She lead me over to a shed and we walked inside. There were weapons everywhere! "Just look around. You'll find the perfect on," she promised. I searched around till something in the corner caught my eye. I walked over to it. I picked up the beautifully decorated scaboard and took yhe sword out. It was a three foot silver and Celestrial Bronze sword. The handle fit perfectly in the palm of my hand.

"This one," I said. I saw a word engraved on the blade. "Liakáda. Sunshine," I translated. She nodded and grinned. Suddenly the sword started melting. It shrank until it became a charm bracelet. It was a hold chain with 5 silver charms. A bow and arrow, a sword, a dagger, a knife, and a bundle of knives. I tugged on the bow and arrow charm. Suddenly the bracelet grew into a bow in my hands. Something appeared on my back. A quiver. Liakáda was carved into the wood. I pressed a button on the strap around my torso and it turned back it to a bracelet, this time on my wrist. I turned back and actually smiled at Ana.

"Let's duel," we said together. With that, she led me over to the arena. Here we go.

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