Chapter 10

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A great being has come about

through lies and death

it will take a new route.

Two Gods with each of their own heir

will separate from the rest

to stop great despair.

Three will go to scout the mount

and three will go to help those out.

Sadness and pain is what may lie ahead.

And the two will go to the land of the dead.

To defeat a minion, one who is pure evil.

They will find two who got lost in their heads.

Together they may defeat the evil.

But only if they will work together.

And learn to trust that dark other.

These were the words spoken by Rachel Dare in front of Will, outside the Apollo cabin. They has been talking about Sarah. Rachel wanted to meet her.

"Ummm. What?" Will said. Rachel looked at him strangely.

"What? She asked, confused.

Will thought for a moment before responding, "I think you just told a prophecy." Will recited the prophecy. They both looked at each other before running toward the Big Cabin, where Chiron was.

Sarah was casually walking along the beach, enjoying the view of the ocean. She liked to go there, it calmed her down. Why couldn't Poseidon be my dad? At least I would be a sibling to Percy Jackson. I would love to meet that guy whom saves us all multiple times. He must be so manly and cool. Sarah thought to herself.

Later, when it was time to eat, she went to the mess hall. There they would normally have a few announcements, mainly who got injured that day, it was not a good day for Connor whom sprained an ankle trying to prank the Ares cabin. But today, there was a final announcement at the end, and it was quite shocking.

Chiron quietly sighed, a sign that something big was coming. "We have had another prophecy. Yes, I know, it's getting quite annoying at how many butts we have to kick but let's get it over with." He said with a smile, it got quite a few chuckles. "Will was the one to receive the prophecy so he shall lead the quest. He shall be accompanied by Nico di Angelo and Ana Lerana." A session of cheering went on for about a minute. Meanwhile Ana, Will and Nico went up next to Chiron. After that was more formalities explains that they were to go on a scouting mission to where they think a group of enemies are gathering. It was Slide Mountain. A mountain in the Mountain range Catskill, in New York.

And so they went after dinner. And everyone went to bed.

Three days went by just fine. They reported a small amount of enemies gathering in a large dark cavern in Slide Mountain. Sarah did well and was starting to adjust to the blinding rays of the Apollo cabin, and it's even more brightening group of members.

But on the fourth day, things went wrong. They missed their first Iris message checkup, then their second, and by the third people became very worried.

That night Sarah had a vivid dream. In this dream Ana, Will, and Nico were battered and bloody. They were chained to chairs separate from each other in a dark cavern, the only light being shone down upon them. They all were bleeding and looked exhausted. A deep voice came from the darkness. "One last time. Where is Percy Jackson, and where is the Roman camp?"
Sarah seemed to be standing a few yards back from Will, who was in the middle of the three chairs that wee lined up, a few feet apart each. Will was the only one who had enough strength to even look up. "No" he simply spoke, then slowly lowered his head.
The dark voice let out an angry shout. The dream ended.

Sarah woke up drenched in sweat. She quickly came up to the Big House. She explained her dream to Chiron and he sharply spoke. "Go get Clarrise and Malcolm from the Ares and Athena cabin!" He paused. "Where is Percy when you need him." Not knowing what that meant, Sarah went to follow out his orders.

HaloSam: Hi! I wrote this chapter and the next one. I hope you enjoyed it. Also I follow uncle Rick in the ways of cliffhangers and more.

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