"You really prefer a storm to a sunny day? Aren't you afraid of lightening?"

"Well, yeah I hate lightening, but I love rain. So as long as no flashes come up during the storm, I'm fine! When it rains, I feel so free. It's so refreshing, the cold drops from the sky. It's beautiful."

I smile briefly at her small description. She makes a point, rain can be quite cooling. It's almost relieving to be in rain, like it's washing away stress, similar to a shower. 

"You make a good point." I smile.

"Yeah, but tell me. You didn't really want to talk to me about the weather, did you?"

"Uh... Um... Well..." She struck a nerve and now the anxiety is kicking in! Geez! Sam smiles and pats my head before facing the academy's entrance. Black*Star is wielding Tsubaki in Ninja Blade mode and is walking towards us with a determined glare facing Samantha.

"Sam! I want a rematch! You weren't playing fairly last time!" Black*Star barks. A grin appears on his face. "So this time, I'm going to win. Okay?"

He just thinks he's going to win? Is he serious? What am I talking about, of course he's serious! It's Black*Star after all.  He will stop at nothing to defeat Sam and gain back his title as strongest meister in the school.

Sam smirks and pats my shoulder, silently telling me that we would finish this conversation at a later time. Where she touched instantly heats up, the warm feeling settling over me making my whole body feel light and fluffy.

"Hey, Kid? Later tonight, could you meet me at the graveyard?" She asks.

"The graveyard? Why?" I ask, but she has already begun walking towards the dark assassin, with Connor coming up to her side once again. Connor transforms, and whatever he decides to be is a mystery. He can be anything Sam wants, he's unpredictable. Black*Star surely doesn't stand a chance! He should quit while he still can. then again, I know Black*Star too well. His ego will tell him to keep going. In the end, it's basically suicide going against Sam and Connor. He won't give up though. He won't. 

"Enchanted sword mod, Tsubaki." Black*Star calls with a smug smirk. Dark markings cover around his eyes and the ninja sword disappears into a long sword filled with darkness. Samantha calls for Connor to take the form of a Bokken, which is a wooden sword that looks like a Katana, and usually used for training, which is why it's wood and not steel and neck cutting. This also tells me that Sam intends to toy with Black*Star rather than fight him. Maybe she's doing it for safety purposes, but who really knows what's going on in her head right now. 

Black*Star smirks and rushes forward while Samantha stands in a defensive stance. The assassin jumps with Tsubaki raised high above his head. Before he can slice downwards, Sam lunges forward, slamming the Bokken into Black*Star's chest and dragging him down. Without a second wasted, Black*Star jumps up looking more determined than ever. Still in Enchanted Sword mode, he swings at Samantha who easily blocks the attack with Connor. Sam smirks and Black*Star doesn't like that. His expression changes to one that's aggravated. 

He lashes out at Sam, swinging multiple times, trying to catch the girl off guard, and maybe tire her out. Sam still stands strong and unfazed. Black*Star goes for her legs. She jumps up and slams her two feet into his stomach, pushing Black*Star back and forcing herself to flip over and stand proudly on her feet. 

I'm quite impressed. Then again, you can hardly expect anything less from past battles they have fought in. The two of them can only fight like this because of the trust and connection they have with one another. They fight with confidence, much strength, and faith with one another. Connor is a powerful weapon lending Sam his strength, and Sam is so agile on her feet. Although Black*Star is much the same, he can't compare to Sam. Not that I would say that to Black*Star's face, he'd most likely murder me on the spot. Or at least try.

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