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Chapter 56



Lois Lane was at her apartment, typing up a story about Lex Luthor. After this story, she would go to bed. She had been working on it for almost the whole day. Perry had assigned Luthor's trial to her a couple days ago. She didn't get assigned a story about Superman for some reason. She didn't know why. Perry said he assigned it to Clark Kent but he hadn't checked in for almost a week. Perry said Clark was working from home so Lois shrugged it off.

While Lois was typing, she noticed someone with a red cape floating in the moonlight. The man was standing outside her balcony. It was Superman. Lois knew this right away and rushed over to her balcony.

Lois walked out on her balcony and stared at Superman, "Superman..."

"I promised you I'd come back." Superman stated, still floating in the air.

"Thank you for stopping Luthor and that freak Mongul. Metropolis believes you again, now." Lois informed Superman.

"I know, I watch the news." Superman smirked.

"Then you know, they need you more than ever. With no one to lead them, they're in distress. The people want someone to stand above them." Lois stated.

"They need people like you. I wouldn't have been able to stop Luthor with you. Luthor is in jail because you, not me. I came to thank you for that. They trust me because of you..." Superman smiled and paused, "I can only do so much but you, you're one of them. You can do as much as I can."

Superman started to fly off, "Thank you, Ms. Lane."

"Wait!" Lois yelled as Superman started to fly away towards the moon. "When will I see you again?"

Superman smiled, "I don't know, Ms. Lane." After he flew off.

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