Clark and Lex

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Chapter 24

Clark and Lex

Smallville Festival

Pete and Clark arrived at the festival. There were hundreds of game booths and stores. The festival also had dozens of rides such as roller coasters that went upside down and Ferris Wheels. The roller coasters when at almost forty miles an hour but the Ferris Wheels took almost fifteen minutes to go around in a loop.

Clark and Pete also saw CADMUS Agents walking around. The government had sent CADMUS Agents to Smallville after what happened at the circus. Luckily, Jonathan, Martha, and Clark did a good job of hiding Clark's secret.

"Hey Clark, you go look around, I want to say hi to a friend real quick." Pete told Clark as he walked away.

Clark walked up to a stand selling books. He looked around the stand and noticed a book titled Are We Alone? Clark picked up the book and another boy who had ginger hair walked up to him. The boy was hiding behind wall and looked a few years older than Clark. The boy also was running the stand.

"Are you smart?" The ginger haired boy asked.

"Excuse me?" Clark replied confused.

"You are wearing glasses which means one of two things, you are genetically inferior or you read a lot." The ginger haired boy stated, confidently."

"I- uh, read a lot." Clark said, nervously.

"You'd be the only other one in our town that values the weight of a pig more than the works of Nikola Tesla." The ginger haired boy informed Clark.

"He invented the radio." Clark said, trying to act smart.

"That he did." The ginger haired boy confirmed what Clark said. "The name's Alexander Luthor but you can call me Lex."

"My name's Clark Kent. Are these all your books?" Clark asked while still holding the Are We Alone book.

"Indeed they are." Lex replied while putting a cardboard box full of books on a table.

"Why are you selling them?" Clark asked.

"I memorized the few that are actually useful. Plus I need money to get out of this damned town." Lex grunted.

"Where are you going to go?" Clark asked as he put down the book.

Lex brought out a book from under his desk and slammed it on the table. He then opened it up to show a picture of a beautiful city. "I'm going to go to Metropolis."

"Why Metropolis?" Clark asked, interested.

"To make a profit, to become rich. My father once owned a million dollar company called "LuthorCorp" until he grew to be stupid and wasted all his money. LuthorCorp then turned into nothing, I need to rebuild the company and take honor in my name." Lex informed Clark. Lex eyed the Are We Alone? book. "That book, it's interesting you picked it up. You must be asking the same questions as me.."

"And what are those questions?" Clark said.

Lex brought out a green rock that was being held in a glass container, "Are we alone?"

Clark suddenly became faint and dizzy and fell on the table, knocking it over. "Watch out you clumsy idiot!" Lex shouted as almost dropped the rock. Lex moved the rock away from Clark and Clark gained his strength back.

"Are you going to buy the book or not... I don't want to risk those damn CADMUS Agents seeing it and thinking I was apart of what happened at the circus." Lex questioned, impatiently.

Clark handed Lex twenty dollars and picked up the book. "Hey Lex..."

"What do you want?" Lex questioned.

"Maybe we should hang out sometime..." Clark suggested.

Lex paused for a second, becoming less angry, then spoke, "I don't need friends."

Clark pouted and walked away sadly.

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