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Chapter 54



"DAD!" Superman screamed as his father's heartbeat stopped.

Mongul was still beating on Superman's head as his father died. Superman forgot about the pain and only remembered his father falling. As he forgot about the pain, Mongul picked Superman up by the head.

"You cared about you father? Heh." Mongul asked as he slammed Superman back into the ground, "I killed my father."

Mongul kept bashing Superman's head into the ground. He was having fun. Superman still ignored the pain, he was in shock that his father had passed.

"Come on Kal-El! Fight!" Mongul ordered while throwing Superman in front of his father's body. Martha held Jonathan's body in her arms while crying.

"You want me to fight Mongul?" Superman questioned as he stood up, "Fine."

Superman charged towards Mongul and tackled him. Superman grabbed Mongul's neck and choked him. While choking him, Superman kept punching Mongul in the face at rapid speed. Now Mongul was getting beat.

"For all my life, I had to treat everything, everyone like glass because I knew that I could hurt someone by just lightly touching them. I knew the value in life, I knew when someone dies, a whole world dies with them." Superman explained as he threw Mongul a thousand feet in the air, "My father taught me that, he and my mother taught me everything I knew. They taught me how to be gentle and how I couldn't take my anger out on anyone. But you're different aren't you? You can take it. You can't take the force of twenty five years of anger, can't you big guy?"

Superman flew up to Mongul's body, which was just floating in the air. His eyes then turned red. Red lasers shot out of Superman's eyes hitting Mongul in the chest with enormous energy. Mongul's body was sent flying back to the ground. Superman followed Mongul as he hit the ground. Shortly after, Superman grabbed Mongul by the chest with his left hand and started punching Mongul in the face as hard as he could.

Mongul's whole face was light purple now. It was also bleeding. Superman held his right fist against Mongul's chest and Mongul smiled.

"You've never taken a life before have you?" Mongul asked, "It gets easier over time."

Superman hesitated to end Mongul, he was going to impale him with his bare hand. "Do it! End me!" Mongul shouted.

While deciding to take Mongul's life, a frail hand grabbed Superman's right arm. "Don't."

Superman turned to his right to find Martha holding his arm, "Don't do it. This isn't how he raised you."

"But I want to, so badly Ma." Superman reasoned, "He killed him."

"This isn't what he would've wanted. Clark, you're a hero, you defeated him, the world will see this. But they don't need to see you kill him." Martha informed her son.

Superman punched Mongul in the face, knocking him out. He and Martha then walked over to Jonathan's body and kneeled in front of it.

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