Meteor Shower

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Chapter 25

Meteor Shower

Smallville, Kansas

It was nighttime and Clark was still hanging out at the festival with Pete. Pete had met a girl there so he was kinda a third wheel. Clark had his hands in his pockets while Pete was flirting with girl. She was attracted to Pete but barely noticed Clark.

While they were walking, Pete noticed a shooting star in the air. "Look, Laurie, it's a shooting star... Make a wish." Pete told the girl, Laurie.

Clark squinted and get a better view of the "shooting star". It wasn't a shooting star, it was a meteor. "Pete, that's not a shooting star..." Laurie told Pete as she noticed it wasn't a shooting star as well.

Clark noticed that the meteor was heading closer to the surface and falling from the sky at rapid speed. He tried to figure out where the meteor was going to land and when he did, he started worrying. The meteor was headed towards his house! Clark also noticed that the meteor was as the size of a mansion. If the meteor hit the surface hard, a quarter of Smallville could be wiped out. By now, everyone was watching meteor as his crashed towards the ground. Clark even noticed that Lex was watching.

Clark had to get out of the area and fly home. He had to stop the meteor from hurting his Ma and Pa. He couldn't fail them like he did Lana. "Pete... I have to go."

"What!? Wait why!?" Pete asked as Clark started walking away.

"Um- curfew." Clark lied as he got out of sight.

Clark then put on his hoodie and slid his hood over his head. Clark took a huge leap from the festival, all the way home.

"Amazing..." Lex said as he watched. Clark didn't know that Lex was watching him.

Clark arrived home as his parents were standing outside. The meteor was coming closer. "Ma! Pa! Get out of here!" Clark commanded.

"Clark, you're supposed to be at the festival!" Jonathan told Clark.

"I need to stop that meteor from crashing down. Leave, I can't let either of you get hurt..." Clark ordered.

"No Clark, not without you. You're not going to stop that meteor, I won't let you. You could die!" Jonathan cried.

"Pa, if I don't stop that meteor, a huge chunk of Smallville could be destroyed. I have to try." Clark stated, "I was sent here to be Earth's protector, it's my job."

Clark took off and flew towards the meteor. As he approached the meteor, he put both of his hands on it and started pushing it up. The meteor was hot and on fire but nothing Clark couldn't handle. He tried pushing and eventually, he was able to lift the meteor up. The meteor had to be the weight of a football field.

Clark was approaching space as he noticed a glass screen inside one of meteor's spores. Clark looked inside the glass screen to find a white dog barking and desperately wanting to get out. Clark punched the glass five times. The glass window was more durable than a normal glass window. Eventually the glass window broke open and Clark grabbed the white dog and pushed the meteor back into space.

Clark flew down back towards his house, still holding the dog. Clark's jacket was on fire but he used his super breath to put it out. Clark put the dog down and looked at his red collar. The collar had the same S on it that Clark had on his Kryptonian suit. The dog was Kryptonian. Clark informed his mother and father of this and ran inside the barn and turned on the hologram of Jor-El.

Clark heard CADMUS soldiers walk by his house, looking for the meteor but didn't worry about them. They didn't know who Clark was nor would they suspect him.

"Hello Kal-El." Jor-El greeted.

"This dog, he came from a meteor that was going to land here. He's from Krypton. He has the same S that I have on my Kryptonian suit. What do you know about him?" Clark asked his biological father.

"His name is Krypto." Jor-El informed Clark, "He belonged to your mother and I. We decided to send him to Earth to keep you company. Somehow, his pod went offtrack."

"Were there any other pods?" Clark asked.

"Yes, one that contained your cousin, Kara Zor-El. However, her pod got destroyed in a meteor accident..." Jor-El sighed. Clark looked down at Krypto as Krypto was smiling with his tongue out. "Take care of him Kal. He's the only thing from Krypton you have."

"I will." Clark replied.

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