She fell to the floor and everyone laughed, as her friends tried to help her stand with those hooker heels. "I wouldn't be talking hag. You look like something that someone puked up." Everyone oohed again and I laughed shaking my head.

"Well, at least it's better than looking like a hooker. Be careful walking home, honey. We all know what happens to girls like you." I leaned against my locker.

"Do you even know who I am, bitch!" She screamed out and I face palmed my face. Everyone looked at me waiting for me to say something. This is going to be easy.

"Oh, I get it now. Let's see," I got off my locker and circled her looking her up and down. "Blonde hair, hooker heels, pedicures, caked makeup, oh and fake boobs. Well, that just proves how fucking stupid you are. Let me guess, you lost your mom when she gave birth to you, dad's rich and doesn't give a shit about what you do. He doesn't pay attention to you. So what do you do?"

I stopped walking around her and saw a guy with long brown hair and a plaid shirt looking at me with a smirk. I smirked back and faced her. "You get all this fake shit installed into your chest and flaunt it around to the guys at school because we all know they will drool of girls who have their boobs and ass hanging out. That's what you are honey. An attention whore who's trying to bang every guy in the school before she graduates." Everyone laughed and clapped at my speech. I bowed around the room.

My back was turned away from the girl and she screamed pushing me into the lockers. She tried to pull my hair when I placed her against the locker and punched her fake ass nose. She cried out and fell to the floor. Everyone was completely silent.

I was very pissed off now. The first day of school and people begin to piss me off. "Let's get this straight. You don't talk to me, touch me, look at me, breath my way, and we'll be fine. You break any of those rules and I bet the shit out of you all. I don't fucking care how big your dicks are. I will kick your ass." Everyone's eyes widened and ran off. I sighed and turned to see the guy who had smirked at me.

"You trying to get into trouble little rebel?" He asked me with a smirk. I chuckled and crossed my arms across my chest.

"No, but if you keep talking to me I might." He laughed and leaned against the locker next to me.

He held his gloved hand out to me. "The names Bender. John Bender." I laughed and took his hand and shook it. "What happened to those rules?" He asked as we pulled our hands away.

"Oh I forgot to say, if you respect me, I'll respect you." He nods his head and smiled, but his smile faded as he looked behind me. "Let me guess? Vermin?" I asked annoyed. He chuckled a little and nod his head.

"Chloe Booker!" I laughed and turned or face him. His face was completely red as he yelled at me with the bitch and her friends behind him. "My office now!" I sighed and turned to Bender.

"I'll see you later, love." I winked at him and walked off to Vernon. The bitches stared at me and I growled at them, they backed off quickly. I turned and saw Bender smiling at me. He was then surrounded by his group of friends. He winked at me as I disappeared around the corner.

I laughed and followed the very angry principal, who I oh so want to punch in the face too. But I think I just met someone who I'll like. I smiled as everyone looked at me in fear. I snarled and growled at everyone. They all backed up fast afraid that I would bite them. . . In which I might if that was my only defense.

I saw two people who looked at me. They were popular's. The girl had red hair with a skirt and sweater and the boy had blonde hair with a variety jacket and blue jeans. So Cherry, and Jockey. Got it. I winked at them and they looked away.

My Breakfast Club ~ John BenderWhere stories live. Discover now