Chapter Two: The Omega Club

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'How rare and beautiful it is to even exist'

Chapter Two: The Omega Club

There was a sparkle of mischief in his expression that had me begging to know the truth behind them. 

Xander's big brown eyes stared innocently into mine daring me to speak. And so I did, "you want me to believe that you are a changed man? You have tainted our history books. Killed your own pack, your own blood."

The adrenaline must have kicked in because I no longer felt any fear. Standing as tall as I could below his towering stance, I place my hand flat on his chest and push him back.

"You can't just change from that." 

I thrust past the dangerous man and towards the exit. I couldn't even get past my first step before a strong hand gripped my shoulder tightly.

"Woah there wolfy, didn't you know there are two sides to every story?" Turning back around, I face Xander while crossing my arms. 

"Are you denying murdering your pack?" 

He smirks. "No, but perhaps it was meant to be." 

I scoff, shaking my head in disgust.

I prepare to leave once more and Xander raises his hands in surrender and says, " look all I'm saying is maybe they deserved it. I'm no Dexter, It was a one-time thing, it's not like I have killing urges." Xander leaned down so his eyes were at the same level as mine. 

"I mean sexual urges on the other hand..." Xander winks cunningly. "Anyways, shouldn't you be with your pack, Luna Rose?" I hated his smirk.

Scoffing, I reply, "It's the 21st century, and without monsters like you roaming around, they're doing just fine living as an ordinary community. They don't need someone controlling their every move."

"Isn't that what your mate does?" Xander leans against the nearing wall, crossing his arms and staring intently at me.

"No it's not-" I stop midway, there is no use. Everything I say at this point is merely for his amusement.

A wave of tiredness progresses through my body, "okay whatever you say, just stay away from me and everything will be splendid." There was a clear layer of sarcasm in my voice as I turn my back to him and exit the room. Things were different now.

"See you later wolfy." 

He was crazy. Very, very crazy. You don't just kill your own life-givers for no reason. Your family, your friends, your pack. You must be a special type of psychopath to commit all that.

He imposed no immediate threat to me, he had me cornered in that dark classroom but didn't try to harm me, but I knew I had to do something about him.  

*        *        *        *

3 missed calls. Hunter has missed three of my calls and as the fourth goes straight to voice mail I'm tempted to throw my phone against a wall. Why do people never pick up their phone when you need them most. 

Why does he even have a phone if he's not going to pick it up!

Anxiety pooled in my stomach from the thought of danger uprising all because of Xander. Part of me prayed that he was right, perhaps he is a changed man and there is no threat. 

I can't imagine Hunter being too happy with me going to school with him here, just with this thought dangling in my mind, my phone rings loudly. 

Oh, so now he wants to talk. 

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