Chapter 23

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Harry's POV

It was now or never.

Just say it, Harry! It's just a sentence. It's not life-altering.

Unless they hate you for it.

Shut up!

I'm gay. That's all that needs to be said. It's not hard.

Except it is.

Words that I'd known and believed for the majority of my life had been stuck in my throat, blocking my airways and halting my breathing.

We, meaning me, the Weasleys (Mr. Weasley was in his wheelchair, face scarred, but eyes still sparkling as bright as the christmas hat on his head), Hermione, and Sirius, were sitting at the kitchen table at Number Twelve Grimmauld Place. The usually cold room was filled with talking and laughter, warmth from the fire flushing each face with a golden embodiment of happiness.

The light didn't reach me. I was trapped in the shade, my head reeling with too many thoughts.

"Are you alright, Harry dear? You're looking a little pale," Mrs. Weasley said, a worried look on her kindly face.

This was the moment.

I stood up - my hands shaking and my heart beat pumping too quickly - but ready.

"O-Okay, s-so, this past term I have discovered some... th-things about myself that I think I already knew, but wasn't able to really accept, b-but I uuuh..." I chuckled nervously and pulled on my sleeves.

"You see, the thing is..."

I couldn't do this. A lump in my throat was stopping me from saying the words.

"I - I'm um..."

Everyone's face was turned upon me, each one etched with the same concerned look - except for Hermione and Ginny, who both looked rather...Proud?

It suddenly hit me that they both knew somehow. And they didn't care.

That right there was all the support I needed. Even if everyone else turned me down, I had two friends who would support me. And that felt damn good.

Deep breath...

"I'm gay."

Nothing. Complete silence. Complete shock.

I was still standing up. Still shaking. And then...

It was like a scene from a movie. First Sirius, than everyone else, stood up and began cheering as though I had defeated a dragon all over again. I was shocked to the point of speechlessness, unable to do anything but grin giddily as Hermione and Ginny hugged me, Ron slapped me on the back, and Sirius raised his glass to me from across the table, winking cheekily and shouting, "To Harry!"

"To Harry!" Everyone replied.

Sounds of Christmas spirit rang through the air; a miniature Father Christmas flew across the table; and stars filled the sky outside. Last-minute presents were wrapped in preparation for the next day's festivities, and my worries had been lifted from my shoulders. I honestly couldn't remember why I had been so worried about telling these people about my sexuality.

And I honestly couldn't remember a happier Christmas than this one, being spent surrounded by this crazy bunch of wizards and witches.

Surrounded by my family.


Draco's POV  | WARNING: graphic violence and pedophiliac, incestual rape. Sensitive viewers are advised to click away.

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