Chapter 20

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Draco's POV

We were going home. The evening of my date was still burned beautifully into my mind and at this moment even my father's face couldn't put a damper on my blissfully calm mood. Harry and I were in an empty compartment - Harry having told his friends that he needed air and me having no friends to tell.

I was lying curled up like a cat on the middle seat of the compartment , my head rested on Harry's lap in the seat beside mine. As a last minute arrangement, Harry and Hermione decided to go to Ron's house over christmas. Though I was sad that we would be leaving each other soon, I was happy that we would be having these few hours together. Harry was absently playing with my hair whilst he gazed out of the window humming quietly under his breath and tapping his leg with his ring finger. I recognised the song to be 'disasterology' by pierce the veil. When he reached a part of the song that I could make out, I began singing under my breath quietly.

'Oh what a waste of a perfectly good clean wrist,
you were screaming 'till the police came,
can we create something beautiful and destroy it?
Nobody knows I dream about it, this is my imagination...'

Harry looked down at me fondly as I finished singing. "You know, that's the first time I've ever heard you sing" he commented "you have a beautiful voice." I scoffed slightly and looked up at the boy , a slight blush painting my pale cheeks. "You know , scarface, for someone who was almost chosen to be a Slytherin, you are a truly terrible liar!" I said playfully. "And you ,ferret, for someone who is supposed to be the exact opposite of a Gryffindor, are incredibly brave and selfless." I sighed slightly in response and turned onto my back so that I was facing straight upwards in my boyfriend's lap. I felt a strong wave of drowsiness wash over me and allowed my eyes to flutter closed and the comfortable blanket of sleep to surround me. As I lost my consciousness, however, I did hear Harry whispering in my ear "I promise that I will fix you , no matter the cost."

Third person view

Rolling through the calm tranquil Scottish country side, was a scarlet red steam train. Soft puffs of smoke buffeted from its old iron pipes and the coal fire in the front of the train, cast a warm glow into the slowly darkening sky. Each compartment window was like a little pinprick of gold warmth piercing the night and each of these windows framed a postcard scene.

Through one window, a group of first year children , Slytherins and Ravenclaws mixing with Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors. Young souls that had not yet been divided by house competition, laughing and joking together as they ate their way through boxes of Bertie Bott's every flavour beans and trays of pumpkin pasties. Through the next window, a group of Gryffindor sixth years were shouting with silenced mirth over a flaming pile of exploding snap cards and two identical twins with bright orange hair and singed eyebrows were arguing playfully. A cluster of Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were chatting excitedly in the next compartment, exchanging chocolate frog cards and discussing the Christmas holidays. Every compartment was filled with festive cheer and warm smiles. In the very end compartment, however, was a very strange scene indeed. Two boys, supposed enemy's, were curled up into one another, a small blonde lying in the larger brunette's lap, the taller boy wrapping strong, protective arms around his pale companion.

Both boys were fast asleep.
Both boys were calm.
Neither of them noticed anything around them.
Not the darkening sky outside.
Not the happy chatter of other students.
Not the rattling train.
Not the two female faces, one framed by flaming red locks, and the other untameable brown ones, peering in through behind the blinds, both with ecstatic faces.
Nor would they have noticed the frizzy brunette handing the ginger four galleons with a defeated frown but a gleeful aura...

A/N - SORRY ITS BEEN SO LONG!!!!!! So I was just looking at my stats on this book and I have learnt that most of my readers are American but I also have people from : Australia, New Zealand , The U.K. (That's where I'm from!), Norway, India, Canada, the Czech Republic, Germany and Belgium!!! That is absolutely crazy to me!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you all sooooooo much!!!! Xx I love you all x

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