Chapter 16

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Draco's POV

Days passed, and then a week and I didn't speak to Harry once. I was right - he hated me now just because of what happened in the hallway. Ugh! I should have pushed him away , IM STRAIGHT! I think ... I couldn't help the doubts that were filling my mind about mine and Harry's short term friendship. Was it possible that he never liked me and he was just playing with me? Probably. The black feeling was getting worse than before because I had new doubts filling my mind and my father had a new thing to taunt me with. I just really wanted to see and talk to Harry about all this but I knew that he was avoiding me. I hadn't eaten since the piece of toast that I threw up and I could tell that it was starting to affect me. I began to tire far to quickly and Quidditch practise was enough to make me incredibly dizzy . I obviously didn't say anything though. But I didn't realise how weak my walls were until our first Quidditch match. Slytherin vs Gryffindor.

Harry's POV

I hadn't spoken to Draco since I had attempted to kiss him and, in all honesty, I was avoiding him . Not because he had done anything wrong but because I was afraid. I was sure that the boy hated me for what happened and I was afraid of my feelings because I WAS STRAIGHT! Right? Anyway, I could tell that he was getting worse again and I really wanted to help him - I couldn't bare to see him not eating and not talking. He seemed to have given up on his mask and now he just looked downright depressed. I decided eventually that I was going to talk to him after our first Quidditch match of the season.

It was the morning of the match and I was sitting at the Gryffindor table being effectively force fed scrambled eggs and toast by Oliver and Hermione. I, however, was anxiously scanning the Slytherin table for a certain Blonde. Surely Flint would be force feeding Draco today - even that buffoon would want his team members fed! But Draco didn't turn up to breakfast , in fact - I didn't see him until I arrived at the Quidditch pitch ready to play.

Draco's POV

I was sitting in the changing rooms getting ready whilst the rest of my team went to breakfast. This was for two reasons . The first was that I didn't want my team to see my scars as I got changed, the second reason was that I wasn't hungry. Okay that's a lie , I was incredibly hungry but I couldn't eat anything if I wanted to be skinny.

The rest of the team strolled in chatting and laughing and for a minute I thought that they hadn't noticed me . My thoughts were interrupted however when I heard the team captain Flint shout "Malfoy! Where have you been? You weren't at breakfast and you need your strength for this match! I jumped at the sound of his voice. "I was here during breakfast Flint - I woke up early so had breakfast then - I came down here to get ready after." I lied quietly. Flint looked at me suspiciously and then said "hmm okay , right team - today is the first match! We need to start on a good leg and hopefully win . The Gryffindorks are obviously a hard team to beat but they are probably expecting us to be using the same techniques as last year seeing as it's the same captain. That should give us a step up. Good luck on the pitch team and give it some Slytherin pride!" The whole team cheered loudly and I forced a small smile before we walked out onto the pitch surrounded by cheering students.

Madame Hooch was speaking to the two captains but I couldn't hear her. I was distracted by a green eyed messy haired boy that was standing about five feet away from me , listening intently to the teacher that was speaking. I was drawn out of my gazing by the sound of Madame Hooch telling us to mount our brooms. I slipped into my 'Nimbus 2001' that Professor Snape had persuaded my Father to buy for me and bent my legs ready for the whistle. "Right people - I want a nice clean match. On the count of three. One ... Two ... Three ..." The shrill whistle blew and I kicked off of the ground zooming high up into the air above the other players. I instantly set about looking for the small glint of gold that was the snitch whilst listening to Lee Jordan's commentary. "And their off! A lot is riding on this game today - the first match of the season! Katie Bell is starting with the quaffle - passing to Alicia Spinnet now who is shooting towards the Slytherin goal about to shoot! She shoots! She sco - ohhh. The quaffle is intercepted before it reaches the goal and the Slytherin team are racing towards the opposite goals." I blanked out the rest of the commentary as I saw a shimmer of gold around twenty feet above me. Without wasting another second, I pointed my broom upwards and began to shoot towards the snitch as it to began to rise staying tantalisingly out of reach. Suddenly if became incredibly cold . I began to slow down, looking around curiously for the source of the sudden change of weather - it was a lovely sunny day after all!

My stomach dropped as I found the source of the chill. What looked like one hundred hooded shadows were gliding steadily towards me. Dementors. I panicked. I was to high up for anyone to see me and the Dementors were gaining on me quickly. I felt sluggish and cold as they got closer, a wave of unbearable sadness was pounding in on me. Memories began to flash before my eyes as the first ten or so Dementors reached and surrounded me. I was fumbling for my wand as some sort of defence as my other hand gripped around my now frost covered nimbus.
One Dementor glided towards me and words began ringing in my ears.

My father's voice cut through my mind as I sat there, shaking "you are good for nothing boy , I hate you. You are fat , you are pathetic, you are ugly -" my broom fell away beneath me as the rest of the dementors arrived but I remained hovering in the air , being held up by some sort of force emitted by the monsters around me. I could feel myself fading out of consious as around seventy black shadows swarmed around my hovering body. Everything went black...

"Expecto Patronum!"

[A/N] OHHHHHHH!!! What's gonna happen?? So I know that you guys are hungering for a drarry kiss, but these guys are pretty confused rn! But don't worry yourselves - the drarry is coming soon. Also, OMG FOUR HUNDRED VEIWS !! ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Also I'm back home now so I will be updating everyday xx

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