Chapter 5

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Draco's POV

I woke up in a groggy haze, my mind felt clouded over as though it had been hit by a baseball bat and my left arm stung and ached with pins and needles. Upon opening my eyes, I saw green blurs surrounding me. Groaning . I closed my eyes again. Streams of lights shot through my eyelids as I tried to remember why I felt so crappy. Suddenly it all came rushing back. The vision, the hatred, the sadness, the pain, the cuts. Snapping my eyes open once more, I looked down at my arm, my vision was no longer blurry, and I saw the multitude of scabby cuts across my arm. It looked like a scene from a horror movie, blood stained my emerald bed sheets and my arm was covered in dry blood. For the first time that year, I was glad for my messed up body clock. I was the only one awake in my dorm, giving me a chance to clean myself and my sheets up. I put on my school robes even though it was a Sunday, and left the dorm, heading for the school grounds.

I was still pretty shaky and pale from the amount of blood I lost the night before, but I managed to make it to the edge of the Black Lake before sinking down to the floor and resting against a large tree sycamore tree. I pulled out my potions, realizing I hadn't taken them that morning, and downed them both, watching myself grow and change back to the Malfoy that everyone knew. I then pulled out a book and started reading to distract myself from all that had happened.

I managed to stay like that for a few hours but suddenly I heard a voice that paralyzed me with unnecessary fear. "Oi Malfoy" I heard weasel shout "you're under our study tree - move." I felt three people come up in front of me casting a dark shadow and looked up. The golden trio was standing there in all of their glory, I froze, my walls hadn't rebuilt properly from last night and I could already feel my self-begin to break behind my mask. The words that Potter had said to me began rushing back through my head except it was worse this time because it felt like the real raven haired boy in front of me was saying them. 'Fat, useless, pathetic, die, kill yourself '  these words echoed in my head and mingled with the real Potter's jeers. I couldn't stand the pain I was feeling anymore so I simply got up and left muttering "shove off Potter" under my breath before I went.

Harry's POV

I hadn't seen Malfoy properly all week except across the dining hall and in the corridors and I have to say, he looks terrible. I haven't seen him eat anything since we arrived at school nor have I seen him really interact with anyone. I mean he doesn't look sad, he's still a git but he seems to be a distant git.

Ron, Hermione and I were walking down to our usual sycamore tree to do our homework under when I saw a certain Slytherin that I really didn't want to see. "Oi Malfoy! You're under our study tree - move." Ron shouted at my arch nemesis as I sneered at him from behind my ginger friend. We came up to him and he finally looked up, the boy looked terrible. His face was pale and his hands were slightly trembling, his cold gray eyes were hollow and dull. But the weirdest thing was the expression he wore, there was no sneer, no smirk, just a blank drawn look that made him look so vulnerable.

Malfoy didn't fight back, he didn't stay put and he didn't insult the hell out of us. He simply stood up and shakily put his book away muttering "shove off Potter." Before walking away without another word.

Ron and Hermione didn't seem to notice this lack of 'Malfoyness' so tried to ignore it but, as we settled down to do the transfiguration essay we had been set, I couldn't help but think back to how we had clearly tried to start a fight with the slime ball and he just took the hit then walked away. Either I'm going mad or Malfoy is becoming weak. Probably the former. The Malfoy I know would never stand down to a fight. Never.

Draco's POV

I was curled up in a broom closet clutching my head willing my brain to just stop for a minute. I was so scared. My mind was becoming a minefield of thoughts and feelings and I wasn't used to it. I couldn't remember ever feeling truly vulnerable as I have since I started Hogwarts five years ago, but now that word seemed, to sum up, most of my life perfectly. The worst part of this new overload of feelings was that most of them were filled with either how I could kill myself or how I could kill Potter. These thoughts were not all my own, however . I had been invaded by my father's voice echoing through my head 'kill the boy or kill yourself, I honestly don't care which one you pick , you've always been a disappointment to me anyway.' I could just picture him sitting in his cosy office , casting the legilimens curse on his only son and laughing in morbid pleasure as he tortured me from the inside out. This unique form of torture lasted for at least an hour and after the voice finally faded , I spent another two hours just lying on the dusty floor of the broom closet  trying to will away my own thoughts of suicide and attempting to calm down my breathing. Eventually I just fell asleep right there, surrounded by brooms and buckets , crates and cloths . What I didn't realise was that when I woke up to go to lessons the next day , I would be walking into a torture worse than the one I had just left.

[AN] sorry this chapter is so late! I had a rlly busy day today and my mum wouldn't let me use my phone, so I was stuck without wattpad! I'm sorry if it's rubbish - I just wanted to get something up for you guys. Also - a massive shout out to boyxboyisbae for commenting and voting on this book so far - it has really helped motivate me. And thank you so much for putting me on your reading list! That literally made my Easter! Love you all! X

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