Chapter Three: Not Her

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Doug walked quietly down the road from the Temple. The sun was setting over the horizon, casting it's beautiful light all over Beach City. Steven had invited him to watch it with him, but he said he had to head home. But...looking at it now, it looked so calming.

With the waves coming up and down the shore, the seagulls cawing noisily, and the sky a beautiful mixture of orange, violet, and blue. The sudden honking of a horn startled him and he saw Greg's van pulling alongside him.

"Hey there Dougie! What are you doing out here on this fine evening?" Greg asked, in his usual cheery voice.

"Oh you know. Just thinking." Doug said, as he lowered his gaze, mindlessly kicking aside a pebble.

"Oh? What're you thinking about?" Greg asked.

"Oh you know...stuff." Doug replied.

"I have a kid too you know. I can tell when you're a little flustered about something. Hop in, maybe we can think together." Greg said, as he opened the passenger door for the boy.

Doug glanced up at the man before climbing inside the car. They drove in silence for a few minutes before either of them spoke.

"Cobalt?" Greg asked

"Huh?" Doug looked at the man, puzzled.

"What you're thinking about. You're thinking about your mother, right?" Greg said.

"You could say that." Doug said.

"I know how you feel. You're just a little unsure that you'll live up to being a Crystal Gem." Greg said.

Doug sighed as the man pulled the van to the beach, parking a perfect distance from the water. They both climbed out and circled around back. The boy could see the temple someways away but you could perfectly see the sunset from here.

"Rose and I used to visit here all the time. Then, when Steven was born I started taking him. We'd just come here and talk or we'd just watch the sunset." Greg said, as he opened the back of the van and sat down.

Doug did the same. The sound of the tide coming in and out was so calming. He closed his eyes and started humming a gentle tune.

"What song is that?" Greg asked.

"Huh?" Doug asked, opening up his eyes, "Just something I wrote a while back." He said.

"Really? Well it sounds pretty good." Greg said.

"I-I'd play it for you but I don't have my guitar." Doug said shyly.

Greg smiled warmly. "Well you could use mine for the time being." He said, as he reached behind him and handed the boy the guitar.

"You...wanna hear it? Like, really?" Doug asked.

"Of course! If anything, you're just as good as your dad." Greg said.

Doug sighed as he started listening to the waves again. Then, his fingers started to play a simple tune.

Ocean above,

The sky down below,

Will I be good enough, that, I don't know.

I never thought it would be this way,

A way that I've never seen before,

All along I never knew what life had in store.

Although we just met, you would've already known me, all along with all the anger and sadness you've shown me.

I don't want to be her,

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