Looking For Answers

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Daphne went immediately to the Magic Archive to look and see if possibly the book was located inside.

When she got there, she went up to where the ancient power books were kept and searched Spriteix.

Then something unexpected happened. The books went crazy!

Daphne had never seen the books like that before and was a little worried. She sent them back to their original spots and then took matters into her own hands.

"If the books won't answer then I'll just have to go to the Golden Kingdom. I love my baby sister and won't let her get hurt again! Daphne, nymph of Sirenix!"

She transformed and opened the portal to the Golden Kingdom and flew off to find out how to gain the power.

When she got there, she was met with a large army of blob soldiers which she promptly defeated. She flew over and landed in front of the great gold doors, unsure of how to enter or if she should.

She took a deep breath and thought of Bloom and the baby. Daphne's eyes watered with tears and she said with a smile "I love you Bloom and I'm doing this for you" and began to sing Return To Me, "Voice of Sirenix! Return to me, return to me, on waves of ocean Melody. No magic can make you reappear but in the song of the whales you are always here."

The doors opened with a loud groan and Daphne flew cautiously inside. It was very beautiful inside the kingdom but Daphne didn't come to look. She came on official business.

"Welcome nymph of Sirenix, nymph of domino, crown princess Daphne, how may I be of service?" came a voice.

Daphne saw Mr. Owl at the end of the room and flew as fast as she could towards him.

"Hello sir I need to speak to Arcadia. It's extremely important. It concerns my sister Bloom and the dragon flame."

Mr. Owl nodded his head and chanted some old words and then blue and silver sparkles flew all around the room and formed in front of Daphne to reveal Arcadia.

Daphne was speechless.

"Hello princess Daphne, it's been too long! How are you my dear?"

Daphne smiled and said "I'm fine but my sister Bloom, keeper of the dragon flame, is in grave danger and I need to save her. Ms. Faragonda sent me to learn about Spriteix. Can you teach me, please? I need to be able to save Bloom and be there for her and so far I have failed at that. Please, I know the dangers but I need the power."

Daphne was all out of breath and when she caught her breath she noticed that she had been crying in the midst of telling Arcadia.

Arcadia was surprised but understood.

"I will teach you Daphne, but know this, if you fail, you will not only lose your powers but you will also lose all love and affection for others around you, even your family."

Daphne's eyes teared up again but she blinked them away and responded by saying "I will not fail. I can gain Spriteix."

Arcadia nodded and said "then you'll need to come with me."

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