Daphne's Plan

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Daphne ran as fast as she could to Ms. Faragonda's room. She needed to ask her if there was a way she could gain a power stronger than Sirenix.

When she got to Faragonda's room, the door opened suddenly, causing Daphne to jump a little.

"Come in Daphne" spoke a voice and Daphne walked in.

When she was fully in the room she looked around and saw Ms. Faragonda standing at the window. She walked over to where the headmistress stood.

"Umm, Ms. Faragonda? I need to ask you something. I think I have a way to save Bloom but I need to know how."

Ms. Faragonda turned around to look at Daphne, a look of excitement but also worry on her face.

"Be careful Daphne, what you choose to do could endanger yourself and others if not played perfectly."

Daphne stood looking at Faragonda. She took a deep breath and finally said "I need a new power. I need to gain a power stronger than Sirenix. What power could I gain so that I can be strong enough to save Bloom if she needs?"

Ms. Faragonda stood stock still, shock in her face.

Daphne winced when she saw her face. Ms. Faragonda sighed and looked Daphne in the eye.

"There is one power I know of that might be what you are looking for. It's the most ancient of fairy powers, only one fairy ever known to have gained this ancient power."

Daphne looked at Ms. Faragonda with pleading eyes and said "I will do whatever it takes to protect Bloom."

Ms. Faragonda smiled and replied "you are brave Daphne and that is what Magix needs in a nymph, and I don't doubt you getting the power. But you need to know the dangers of Spriteix."

Daphne couldn't believe her ears. The only fairy to ever have mastered Spriteix was Arcadia, the keeper of the Golden Kingdom.

Daphne listened intently.

"Now Daphne it's great that you are a nymph, but you must understand that since you are a nymph, there are powers available for you that aren't for the Winx."

Daphne was confused. How could there be separate powers for different types of fairies?

She had to know more.

"What can I do to try to gain that power? How can I master it?" Daphne asked.

Ms. Faragonda explained that there was only one book known to exist that told the story of Spriteix fairies and how their power worked. She told Daphne to search the Magic Archive and that if it wasn't there to go to the Golden Kingdom to speak to Arcadia.

Daphne had read about Arcadia long ago so she knew what to do.

"You can count on me headmistress! I won't let you or Bloom down" Daphne said walking out of the room.

"Good luck" Ms. Faragonda called, but Daphne was already on her way to the Archive.

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