Birth of a Vampyre ~13~

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I run down the streets towards the beach. I jump from ground to building top without a hesitation in my step. It's been to long since I've let myself truly go without worry. It feels good to have the wind whipping through my hair. Only my super hearing is able to pick up the light sound of my feet landing on the pavement. The smells as I pass are intoxicating. I can smell everyone that I pass. In the apartment buildings I hear the conversations of the normal people so unaware of the true horrors that are out there in the night. The stories are all true. We do exist and it's a shame that these innocent people could one day become one of our meals. Yet why should we not be allowed to survive? Just like in a normal society there are those of us that take things to far and believe that we are above these simple creatures. Yes they will die one day and it could be of anything, but that doesn't mean that they have any less value than we do. These are the reasons that I will only hunt those that have done true harm to others.

I see the beach about a mile away. I'll be there in less than a minute at the speed I'm going. I reach the sand and slow down. The moon shining off of the ocean brings my mind back to that day again. It seems that a short life might be happier than one where you see no end. Little things no longer matter when all of eternity stretches out before you. I don't really know if I should have made Eric into a vampyre, but at the same time I really can't see my life without him. It makes me wonder if things between Marcus and I would be different if he hadn't already been turned when I met him. Maybe he would have been the one that I loved over Eric. There are so many ifs in this world. I love Marcus, but the thought of him not being in my life has never crossed my mind. It wasn't an option. He's immortal like me. There are dangers, but I've never once worried that my Marcus wouldn't come home to me one day.

I turn to the south and start running again. I've wasted too much time thinking and Marcus will be picking up my trail. I should speak to Viktor sooner than later, but not until after the opening. It's not going to be easy to get away from Marcus and Eric without them trying to find out where I'm going. There are so many questions that I have to ask him. I see a lifeguard stand not to far ahead and veer off towards it. I'm no longer in the mood for cat and mouse so I will just wait here for Marcus. I shouldn't have to wait to long before he comes along.

I have time to think for a minute and I wonder about Carrie. Sometimes I hate the fact that I don't have a defined life span. Humans figure they'll live into their eighties before they pass on, but my kind and others of the supernatural can't think in those terms. There are so many other species that are older than me. I've never come across a demon that I couldn't handle, but there are those out there. I've never met an angel, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. If we can exist then why not them? The other werecreatures are out there as well. So many different species and yet very few that have true wars with each other. There was the werewolf and vampyre war so long ago that it's but a distant flicker to those of us that were around. I don't know if Carrie should come to this endless existence or if she truly knows what it means. I want Lushe to be happy and I know that my heart would break if anything were to happen to Eric. I understand how Lushe feels, but the guilt that I sometimes feel over ending Eric's life is too much to bare sometimes. It seems wrong to interfere in the natural order of these things. Humans are supposed to die just as at one time I was.

I hear Marcus about fifteen miles away following my trail. I wonder how long it will take him to get here. He's not running as fast as I was or even near his true speed. He knows me so well. The run was just a chance to get away from everybody and be on my own for a bit. He asked to come so that he could make sure I was ok and that if I needed to talk he'ld be there. I reach out with my mind.

"You don't have to go so slow you know?"

"Yeah, but I figured you just wanted to think for a bit so I was being nice. See if that happens again." I smile.

Birth of a VampyreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora