Birth of a Vampyre ~3~

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My head was killing me!!

What had happened last night. As I lay there slowly waking everything rushed back and hit me like a lightning bolt.

"VIKTOR!" I yelled as loud as I could, but something was wrong with my voice. I could hear all the notes that made up my voice. It was disoreinting.

"Sheena....are you ok?" I looked up and there he was my Viktor.

"What's going on? Everything is so bright! I can hear everything it hurts Viktor." I was panicking. My head throbbed from all of the sound.


"NO! Don't call me that. Sheena died last night and she is gone I am someone else" My voice came out as a whisper, but still sounded like a shout to me. I

still didn't understand what was going on. I knew what I was then, but it still hadn't really been grasped in my mind.

"Well then what would you like me to call you?" Viktor had this sad look in his eyes that broke my heart to a thousand peices.

"I don't know? I'm so confused. Why is everything so loud?" Viktor let out a low chuckle and smiled at me again with pure sadness in his eyes. Why was

he so sad? What could I do to make him smile to make him truley smile.

"You hear and see things differently now because you are like me. You will get used to the sight and sounds around you and you will be able to block them out."

His voice broke as he spoke to me and again my heart shattered. Why was he so sad?

"Viktor. Why are you so sad? What can I do to make you smile again?" I was in tears. I couldn't stand to see his pain anymore. I looked away and couldn't control

the tears that flowed freely down my checks. Suddenly I felt a warm hand against my cheek wiping away the falling tears.

"I'm sad because I was selfish. I made you what you are so that I could keep you with me forever. Even though I asked before I did this I stole you from

your life and I shouldn't have. I should have been content to watch you in the waterfall and never met you. I have never made another of my kind before, because

I didn't want to damn anyone else to live this life with me. But when I saw you and watched you for those 3 years prior to actually talking to you I became obsessed

with you. I had to have you and yet you weren't mine to have. can you ever forgive me for damning you the way that I have?" With that Viktor's voice broke. I didn't

know what to say. I didn't feel damned and yet I knew that the other world held nothing for me know. Yet I wasn't sad about what I had left and was only truley

confused as to why Viktor was saying these things now. Did he not want me anymore now that he had me. I couldn't handle that if it was the case and I was starting to

panic again.

"I wanted you to do this to me. I want to be with you forever. Please don't regret what you did. If you don't want me anymore I will leave. Just show me what

I need to do to survive." I was only speaking the truth. I loved this man with all of my heart the thought of him not wanting me know that my heart had stopped

beating tore me deeper than anything I thought possible.

"You say that now, but you will eventually hate me for what I have done. You will have to watch all of your loved ones die and there is nothing you can do

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