°Chapter Thirteen

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"Allie who is the girl with the moon on her shoulder?" I asked again when she just stared at me. She hadn't answered me the first time I asked and her eyes had gone glassy and began to water. I needed to know who the unnamed girl was. Why her ghost had chosen to reveal herself to me, the first ghost I had ever encountered before.

"She is... was.. my best friend." Allie finally said in a whisper soft voice. She dropped down onto the bench seat and it looked like everything that made her Aliie; the girl everyone envied, drained away. "She was my best friend." She said again looking ahead starring at nothing. Tentatively I sat down beside her, making sure that we didn't touch, I didn't need to be transported into her life and memories again, not when I needed answers.

"What happened to her?" I asked. "How did she die?" 

Allie looked at me in disbelief. "How did you know Camryn was dead?" 

I looked away quickly and let my eyes focus on the floor. Wow, how did I let that slip out of my mouth? Well there was no point in lying to her, I needed answers only she could give and she would no doubt want to know why I was asking. Plus it's not like she even liked me, she already thought I was weird, so it didn't matter if I gave her something else to make fun of me about.

"How do even know about Camryn? She went missing way before you even came to town?" She studied me for a longer amount of time. "You saw something when you touched me didn't you?" She asked putting it all together. "That's why you don't like when people touch you, you see things. That's it right?" She said speaking rapidly.

I took a deep breathe and nodded. It was hard admitting this to someone. With Jason it was different, it was weird though telling my secret to someone who hated me, someone who had made my life miserable.  She began to pace and mutter to herself before she stopped and stared at me again.

"This is insane. It can't be true, but if it wasn't how would you know about Camryn, even knowing about the birthmark she has?" She said.

"It's true Allie, and it's really important that you tell me what happened to her. The person who the cops arrested isn't the mystic killer." Allie's eyes went wide.

"What? But the cops have evidence. What do you mean he's not the killer?"

I shook my head in annoyance. Everyone was so ready to believe all the false evidence that officer Linux had planted. "Its not him and it's too complicated to explain how I know right now. I just need you to tell me about Camryn, I believe what happened to her is all connected to all of this."

Allie took a deep breathe and returned to sitting on the bench. "Camryn went missing, at this time there was no mystic killer, so people started to assume she ran away. I mean nothing dangerous ever used to happen here. So when she didn't come home and no one could find her, the cops labeled her as a runaway."

"Did they ever find her body?" I asked tentatively knowing that this subject must be hard for her to talk about. Allie shook her head.

"No. But I know Camryn didn't run away, I just know something horrible had to have happened to her." Allie looked straight ahead her gaze becoming unfocused lost in memories. "I just feel so guilty." She mumbled.

"Why would you feel guilty? It wasn't your fault." I assured her. I knew what she was going through. When Jessica had first disappeared I blamed myself, I felt guilty thinking that there was more that I could do and then maybe she wouldn't be gone. Allie nodded but I could tell that she didn't actually agree, she would still blame herself no matter what I said. "Had she been acting strange before she disappeared, been keeping things from you? Did she start dating anyone?"

Allie shrugged helplessly. "I..I... I'm not sure. She might have mentioned someone but it was only once. I don't think it's important." Her eyes darted from side to side and she began to shake, she stood abruptly. "I don't think what happened to Camryn had anything to do with the Mystic Killer, she doesn't even look like any of his victims. I'm going to class." Before I could stop her Allie bolted. She had clamed up, something about the line of questioning had made Allie run.

What was it?

Did Allie know more than she was letting on, and if she did why would she keep it a secret? Didn't she want us to find out what happened to her best friend? She had seemed afraid, and that scared me because Allie was always someone to fear not someone who was afraid. As much as I wanted to let this go, I couldn't, I'd have to find Allie again before the day was over and get her to tell me everything that she knew. The mystery of Camryn had to be connected to the Mystic Killer, I don't know why I am so sure but I just am. I'm willing to go with my gut, hell I have visions and see ghost, why can't I be clairvoyant too?

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